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The Event - May 5th, 2024

By Grifter Elite in Faith 198 views 5th May, 2024 Video Duration: 02:22:59
Phildo is back after a 22-day absence from Liestreaming, he returns with a HUGE scam drop. Also, he is going to show us how evil he still is...

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  • What were the highlights or lowlights as it were?
  • Boknows

    He was pushing his Gold site again and fear mongering about how the economy is going to collapse. He is also is now saying that GeneralBoknows

    He was pushing his Gold site again and fear mongering about how the economy is going to collapse. He is also is now saying that General Flynn is not going to be DJT VP pick and that it will now be DeSantis. I think he is doing that because all the other truthers are now saying that Flynn is bad. He had to jump on the bandwagon to stay relevant with his followers. He also talked about his new JFK film that you have to pay to watch.

    The biggest thing is that tonight he was contradicting stuff he told his followers in the past about the banks, money, NESARA, Dinar, etc...

    That made some of his followers really mad and frustrated. I posted a lot of them on this Grifter Elite page's photo album. I will post a link to the album. It was funny.
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