Idaho police search for suspect in murders of 4 college students

Crime scene tape is stretched around the front of a home where a man was shot on May 28, 2017 in Chicago, Illinois. Chicago police have added more than 1,000 officers to the streets over the Memorial Day weekend, hoping to put a dent in crime, during what is typically one of the more violent weekends of the year. In 2016, 6 people were killed and another 65 were wounded by gun violence over the Memorial Day weekend. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)Crime scene tape is stretched around the front of a home where a man was shot on May 28, 2017 in Chicago, Illinois. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 11:36 AM PT – Thursday, November 17, 2022

Police in Moscow, Idaho are pleading with the public to help them find a suspect in connection to the murders of four college students.   

Police Looking For Rambo-Style Knife In University Of Idaho Student Murders

— FIM-TV (@fastinfomagtv) November 17, 2022

On Sunday, four University of Idaho students were fatally stabbed in a home near the college campus. Police have identified the victims as Kaylee Goncalves, Madison Mogen, Ethan Chapin and Xana Kernodle. All of the victims were close friends.    

Footage from Saturday night purportedly shows two victims of the Moscow Idaho Student murders

Kaylee Goncalves & Madison Mogen appear to order at a food truck just hours before the King Rd homicide

— Idaho Tribune (@IdahoTribune) November 16, 2022

During a press conference on Wednesday, authorities urged anyone who has information on a possible suspect or information about the whereabouts of the victims prior to the murders, to contact them immediately. 

University of Idaho murders: There was no sign of forced entry, but Moscow Police aren't sure if the door was locked or unlocked. Police are aware of the Twitch video showing two of the victims at a food truck that morning; helps establish a timeline.

— 4 News Now (@kxly4news) November 16, 2022

Authorities believe that there was no forced entry at the crime scene. Officers have not yet recovered the weapon used in the murders.  

Police Chief James Fry of the Moscow Police Department made a statement about the facts of the case.

UPDATE: Moscow Idaho Police Department hold Press conference — No suspect has been identified at this time in the quadruple murder of 4 University of Idaho students

— Idaho Tribune (@IdahoTribune) November 16, 2022

Authorities are interviewing other people who were inside of the home during the killings. The department is advising the public to stay vigilant and to report any suspicious activity.


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