Florida man smacks wife with Christmas tree over making dinner

 A discarded Christmas tree waits to be collected outside a residential property on January 6, 2017 in Bristol, England. Following the festive period many councils in UK are struggling to get on top of the huge amount of residential recycling and refuse that has been generated. In Bristol, the city's waste company, Bristol Waste has described the levels as being 'unprecedented' and the cause of some delays in collection.  (Photo by Matt Cardy/Getty Images) A discarded Christmas tree. (Photo by Matt Cardy/Getty Images)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 2:46 PM PT – Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Richard Atchison from Florida allegedly threw a Christmas tree at his wife when she asked him to help make dinner.

Florida man arrested after he allegedly hit his wife with a Christmas tree after she asked for help with making dinner. pic.twitter.com/2wj0UonCKO

— TCC Entertainment (@tccentertainmnt) December 14, 2022

According to an arrest affidavit obtained by media, the 52-year-old “lost his temper” in their Fruitland Park home Monday evening. An argument ensued after his wife had asked him for help with dinner. She accidentally splashed him with water afterwards, as she was putting a spoon in the sink.

Atchison reportedly packed his things and went outside to his vehicle, but then returned because “he had been drinking” and told his wife to leave instead.

When his wife tried to leave, he reportedly pushed her, picked up their Christmas tree and threw it at her. Allegedly, he then prevented his wife from leaving the house.

Richard Atchison has been booked on domestic battery charges and taken to jail.

The post Florida man smacks wife with Christmas tree over making dinner first appeared on One America News Network.


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