Pentagon Report: China could have 1,500 nukes by 2035

The national flag of China is displayed in a street on October 1, 2023 in Wuhan, Hubei province, China. China is celebrating their 73nd National Day and a week-long holiday known as the "Golden Week". (Photo by Getty ImagesThe national flag of China is displayed in a street on October 1, 2023 in Wuhan, Hubei province, China. China is celebrating their 73nd National Day and a week-long holiday known as the “Golden Week”. (Photo by Getty Images)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 3:30 PM PT – Tuesday, November 29, 2022

A new report detailing China’s nuclear warhead has mounted further concern over the country’s activities.

pentagon report: china is expanding nuclear force

on track to nearly quardruple # of warheads by 2035, close gap with united states

— ian bremmer (@ianbremmer) November 29, 2022

On Tuesday, the Pentagon released a report claiming that China may have up to 1,500 nuclear warheads by 2035 if it continues down its current path.

The military activity around the country heightened following House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan in August.

JUST RELEASED: The Pentagon's 2022 report on the Chinese military aka "China Military Power Report"

— Paul Szoldra (@PaulSzoldra) November 29, 2022

As of 2021, China was said to have more than 400 warheads. Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder made a comment.

“The challenge here is the more proliferation there is, the more concerning it is, the more destabilizing to the region it is. So certainly, we would want to ensure that from a regional, global, and regional stability standpoint that we can maintain an open dialogue to ensure there’s transparency and that we understand what the intent is behind this,” Ryder said.

Meanwhile, China says they are only open to dialogue if the U.S. reduces their own stockpile level of nukes.


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