‘Expel. Deport. Repeat.’: MIT Blasted For Protecting Anti-Semitic Students Over Fears They’d Lose Their Visas

‘Expel. Deport. Repeat.’: MIT Blasted For Protecting Anti-Semitic Students Over Fears They’d Lose Their Visas

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology took considerable backlash over a statement explaining why more actions hadn’t been taken against students who promoted anti-semitic and even genocidal slogans while participating in pro-Palestinian demonstrations on campus.

While MIT is not the only American college campus where such protests are taking place, critics noted that it was the first to shed some light on why anti-semitic protests and demonstrations are getting overlooked with regard to disciplinary actions.

Joel Petlin shared the statement along with his own observations, noting that the school had apparently refrained from taking action because they were concerned that foreign students — who make up nearly one-third of MIT’s student body — could have their visas revoked.

“I can’t think of a better example of saying the quiet part out loud than @MIT admitting that they won’t expel Antisemitic students because they will lose their student visas and be deported. How many other colleges are protecting dangerous people who don’t belong in America?” he asked. “Incredible admission from @MIT president. Visa issues are why the students who are threatening Jews on campus are not being expelled.”

Incredible admission from @MIT president. Visa issues are why the students who are threatening Jews on campus are not being expelled.

Last year, international students accounted for close to 30% of the students enrolled at MIT & millions of $ flow in from Middle East donations. pic.twitter.com/toNadItyoU

— Joel M. Petlin (@Joelmpetlin) November 12, 2023

“MIT didn’t want to punish antisemitic foreign students harassing American Jews on campus because suspension would lead to deportation under the student visa rules. So MIT chose to help the antisemites instead of punishing them. Morality run amok,” Marina Medvin added. “MIT is one of the most prestigious universities in the US. These days, foreigners make up about 30% of the MIT student body. Jewish students, on the other hand, make up about 6% of the MIT student body — a campus minority.”

MIT didn’t want to punish antisemitic foreign students harassing American Jews on campus because suspension would lead to deportation under the student visa rules. So MIT chose to help the antisemites instead of punishing them.

Morality run amok.

MIT is one of the most… pic.twitter.com/LJcBsXxCzd

— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) November 11, 2023

“‘Visa issues’ are not only a reason to suspend these pro-Hamas foreigners from school, but also to deport them immediately,” Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) said.

“Visa issues” are not only a reason to suspend these pro-Hamas foreigners from school, but also to deport them immediately. https://t.co/tg1qO2GBWV

— Tom Cotton (@SenTomCotton) November 12, 2023

“Expel. Deport. Repeat,” another posted.

Repeat https://t.co/TEvD6qTXCI

— Cardinal Curmudgeon (@Gimblin) November 12, 2023

Science fiction author Karl Gallagher added, “I am ashamed of my alma mater. @MIT should expel students who blocked other students from getting their educations. If that results in revoked visas, good. They can find a school in their home country,” he said.

I am ashamed of my alma mater. @MIT should expel students who blocked other students from getting their educations.

If that results in revoked visas, good. They can find a school in their home country. https://t.co/Mj8TXHH62Z

— Karl K. Gallagher (@KarlKGallagher) November 12, 2023


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