‘These Are Our Kids, They Belong To All Of Us’: Three Times The Left Trampled On Parental Authority This Past Week Alone

‘These Are Our Kids, They Belong To All Of Us’: Three Times The Left Trampled On Parental Authority This Past Week Alone

Have you noticed that Democrats and the Left at large are increasingly brazen in their attempt to trample on all parental rights and authority? This past week alone, we saw three examples of this encroachment from the executive branch all the way down to a Florida teacher.

For example, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre made the bold claim last Saturday night that states which have banned sex-denial surgery and other gender-rejection care require an all-hands-on-deck response.

“There are more than 600 pieces of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation out there,” Jean-Pierre said at the GLAAD Media Awards. “A few hundred of them are anti-trans communities, and that matters because we have to call that out. And we’ve never seen this level. It’s historic in the number of pieces of legislation.”

Perhaps the response is “historic” because it seems like the Left is attempting to convince the world that child mutilation is good and changing “genders” is real for the first time in history en masse.

Regardless, Jean-Pierre continued, “I’ve met a lot of parents of trans kids in the past couple of months who have told me these devastating stories, whether they’re in Texas or Oklahoma or wherever they are, saying how they now have to seriously consider leaving their state to protect their child. That’s something that we have to call out and continue to be very clear about. These are kids. These are our kids. They belong to all of us.“ (emphasis added)

The response to that is very simple: Kick rocks.

White House @PressSec @K_JeanPierre says that other peoples kids “belong to all of us.”

My response: Kick rocks. pic.twitter.com/mVHTktMrkb

— Tim Meads (@TimMeadsUSA) May 17, 2023

My kids are my kids, your kids are your kids. Likewise, child mutilation is to “health care” as burning your kid’s hand on a stove is to “discipline.” It’s abuse. That’s why laws banning the practice are needed.


But KJP, as her fans call her, wasn’t alone in that line of thinking.

Friday afternoon, Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona tweeted, “Teachers know what is best for their kids because they are with them every day. We must trust teachers.” (emphasis added)

Teachers know what is best for their kids because they are with them every day.
We must trust teachers.

— Secretary Miguel Cardona (@SecCardona) May 19, 2023

Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R-TX) had a pretty concise response to that collectivist crap.

“Parents know what is best for THEIR kids,” he tweeted. “They are THE most important voice in their child’s education — period.”

Parents know what is best for THEIR kids.

They are THE most important voice in their child's education — period. https://t.co/wY5LUoZGJC

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) May 20, 2023

But let’s check in on one teacher, a member of the public servant class that serves as the supposed voice of wisdom as praised by Cardona. Jenna Barbee, a fifth-grade teacher in Florida’s Hernando County School District, had some thoughts on when parental rights start and end this week.

Florida has a parental rights law that now bans education on gender identity and sexual orientation unless it is related to the curriculum. Barbee recently decided to show a film featuring LGBTQ themes. Parents obviously took umbrage with that — arguing it’s not Barbee’s job to teach that sort of stuff.

“What she’s missing and what these parents are missing is that they’re not in the school system,” Barbee said in response. “These conversations, these doors that she’s talking about, telling me that I’m stripping her rights as a parent — those rights are gone when your child is in the public school system because there are students talking about these things.”

Well, no parental rights end just because their children step into a public school.

Florida 5th grade teacher who showed students an LGBT-themed Disney movie: "Ignorant" of parents to complain.

Your "rights as a parent, those rights are gone when your child is in the public school system" pic.twitter.com/YkJbaPQOPk

— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) May 16, 2023

These three examples are just in the past seven days. For critics who say these were just expressions, it should be noted there are Democrat-led laws around the country that are undermining parents — especially those who don’t believe in radical gender ideology.

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.


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