American Hero: Boston Celtics Coach Doesn’t Care One Bit British Royals Sat Courtside At Game Against The Heat

American Hero: Boston Celtics Coach Doesn’t Care One Bit British Royals Sat Courtside At Game Against The Heat

It has been subtle, but the American public has spent a little too much time shoveling adulation onto the British Royal Family in recent years. We’re American citizens, not British subjects for Pete’s sake. We fought and won a war to get away from those across the pond, but for some reason, certain sects of society are obsessed with Harry and Meghan, the late Queen, and everything else related to Buckingham Palace.

That’s why Boston Celtics interim head coach Joe Mazzulla offered such a fantastic response when a reporter asked what it meant to him to have Prince William and Princess Kate in attendance for the team’s Wednesday night game against The Heat in Boston.

“A non-basketball question: did you get a chance to meet with the Royal family and if not, how was it like having them there in the building?” a reporter asked following the team’s victory.

“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph?” Mazzulla deadpanned back.

“The Prince and Princess of Wales,” she responded with a laugh.

“Oh, no I did not, I’m only familiar with one Royal family,” he answered. “I don’t know too much about that one. Thank you, but hopefully, they’re Celtic fans.”

As one Twitter user said, “The written words didn’t do this clip of Joe Mazzulla justice.” The all-American response can be seen here:

The written words didn’t do this clip of Joe Mazzulla justice. 😂

— R.S. Locke / Royal Suitor (@royal_suitor) December 1, 2022

For that answer, Mazzulla is an American hero. Celtics player Jaylen Brown also wasn’t too star-struck by the Brits.

“It was just a regular game to me,” he responded when asked about their appearance.

Similarly, Boston fans — a city full of many Irish descendants — promptly erupted in “USA!” chants when the couple was shown on the teleprompter:

The English, of course, have not treated the Irish too kindly over the centuries — to put it lightly.

Clearly, leadership in Boston starts at the top with Mazzulla. What’s better than an American basketball team named in honor of the Irish — and its fans — not giving one iota of thought toward the British Monarchy?

Though I would add there is at least one other royal that Americans care about: Elvis Presley — The King of Rock and Roll.

In the spirit of American patriotism, here are some Team USA highlights of Celtics legend Larry Bird:

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.


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