Article In Hamas Paper Celebrates Murderous Attacks On Jews

Article In Hamas Paper Celebrates Murderous Attacks On Jews

A daily paper associated with the terrorist group Hamas, which rules over Gaza, published an article celebrating the murders of Jews in Israel with brutal language.

The March 12, 2023, edition of the Felesteen daily, featured an article titled “Deliverers of Joy – About the Younger Generation in the West Bank.” The article was also published on the website of Hamas’s military wing, ‘Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, as MEMRI, which translated the article, reported.

The author spoke of a murderous attack conceived by Yahya ‘Ayyash and attacks like it, writing, “It’s not the courageous operation that is perpetrated in the heart of the enemy’s fictitious capital, but something much greater than that. It is proof that our Palestinian people is still brimming with life and that it is standing on the ladder of glory, as long as it can tear the roof off a bus, can stab a soldier, and can continue to run over a settler [with a car] and to fire point blank at a hostile vehicle in the street.”

The Islamic Fatwa Council, comprised of Shiite, Sunni and Sufi clerics that is headquartered Iraq, recently declared a fatwa against Hamas, declaring that its treatment of Palestinians in Gaza was inhumane.

“Only a Palestinian can imagine the force of the happiness that these courageous acts evoke in our heart,” the author continued. “They cause adrenalin to spike to the highest levels, and increase the people’s belief in itself and in its ability to change the equation,” he continued. “The people go out into the public squares and the streets, cheer for Palestine, express their joy and delight at the operation, pass out sweets, embrace one another, and, at top volume, the mosques’ public address systems broadcast the cries Allahu Akbar, and la ilaha illa Allah, with joy, with praise, with gratitude to Allah for this achievement.”

“Peace to every lion who took the opportunity to pounce on its prey; peace to all who try to acquire a blade, an axe, a butcher knife, a pistol, an M16 [rifle], or an old Carlo [rifle],” the author cheered.

The 1998 Hamas covenant stated, “There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.”


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