Ben Shapiro Visits Southern Border, Sheds Light On Illegal Immigrant Invasion As Fight Between Texas And Biden Heats Up

Ben Shapiro Visits Southern Border, Sheds Light On Illegal Immigrant Invasion As Fight Between Texas And Biden Heats Up

Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro visited one of the highest-trafficked points of the U.S. southern border to investigate the full story of President Joe Biden’s border crisis.

During his trip to the border, which is now streaming as a docu-series on DailyWire+, Shapiro talked with Border Patrol agents and a mother whose son was killed by an illegal immigrant. The release of the docu-series comes as the Biden administration spars with Texas over control of border enforcement. Texas Governor Greg Abbott has argued his state has a Constitutional right to defend its borders as the Biden administration has moved to take away its border enforcement tools. Twenty-five Republican governors across the country have aligned themselves with Texas.

In the docu-series, titled “Divided States of Biden,” Shapiro investigates the ongoing border crisis caused by President Joe Biden’s policies, which have led to a massive spike in illegal immigrants entering the U.S. along with a rise in fentanyl and human trafficking. Shapiro also visits the highly trafficked spots along the southern border, detailing how easy it is for migrants to illegally cross into the U.S. and how federal agents usually don’t know the history of any of the illegal immigrants they process before releasing them into the country.

“One of the biggest costs of illegal immigration is crime,” Shapiro said. “Not every illegal immigrant is a criminal, but there are lots of criminals who are, in fact, illegal immigrants.”

I went to our southern border. It’s wide open. The drug cartels are in control. Here’s what we saw.

Joe Biden’s America is broken.

— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) January 25, 2024

In episode one of the series, titled “Invasion on the Southern Border,” Shapiro talks with Laura Wilkerson, the mother of Joshua Wilkerson who, in 2010, “was beaten, tortured, and murdered.”

“His body was thrown in a field and set on fire by Hermilo Moralez, an illegal immigrant in the United States from Belize,” Shapiro said.

Laura Wilkerson tells Shapiro how her 18-year-old son “who loved the Lord” didn’t come home from school on that day in 2010 and wasn’t answering her calls. Morales, a classmate of Joshua’s, had killed him and hid his body, Wilkerson said, detailing the horrific way Joshua was murdered.

Later in the episode, Shapiro joins Border Patrol agent Brandon Judd in the Tucson, Arizona, sector of the border, which is one of the most active sections of the border for federal government officials trying to keep up with the influx of illegal immigrants. The Tucson Sector is also the number-one site for fentanyl trafficking in the U.S.

“These people that have been released into the United States under President Biden, and we’re talking about five million people that have been released under President Biden, they’re never leaving this country,” Judd tells Shapiro. “There here to stay, not because they’re legal but because there’s no resources to go find them.”

Shapiro looks into how the number of illegal immigrants entering the U.S. has tripled in just over two years under Biden compared to the entire four years of the Trump administration.

“When Joe Biden says he wants more funding for the border, what he really means is he wants more funding to process the illegal entry of illegal immigrants,” Shapiro said. “He wants that spigot opened up even wider. According to Joe Biden, the only solutions at our southern border, aren’t solutions at all. They are things that make the problem worse.”


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