Biden Admin Caves To New Republican Congress, Will Allow Border Patrol Chiefs To Testify

Biden Admin Caves To New Republican Congress, Will Allow Border Patrol Chiefs To Testify

The Biden administration has reportedly caved to the new Republican-controlled Congress and will allow top Border Patrol chiefs to testify in a hearing next week.

The agents are expected to attend a House Committee on Oversight and Accountability hearing titled, “On The Front Lines of the Border Crisis: A Hearing with Chief Patrol Agents,” where they will share details about what is happening on the U.S. southern border.

House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-KY) thanked Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in a letter on Tuesday for allowing the agents to testify, a move that was not really optional as Comer was prepared to issue subpoenas to compel their testimonies.

“The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) initially sought to prevent Congress from hearing invaluable testimony from Chief Patrol Agents, believing that DHS’s internal protocols superseded Congressional oversight prerogatives,” Comer said. “I am pleased that the DHS is no longer taking such a position, and will make available as witnesses Chief Patrol Agent Gloria Chavez, Rio Grande Valley Sector and Chief Patrol Agent John Modlin, Tucson Sector.”

“These two law enforcement professionals also serve as Lead Field Coordinators for the border regions that collectively include Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California,” Comer added. “I look forward to their attendance at the February 7, 2023 hearing.”

In a statement, Comer slammed the Biden administration’s border policies and vowed to hold the administration accountable.

“The Biden Administration’s radical open borders policies have ignited the worst border crisis in American history. Starting on day one in office, President Biden and his administration rolled back deterrent focused policies, halted the construction of the border wall, gutted interior enforcement, pushed amnesty for illegal immigrants – all of which have made it difficult for U.S. Border Patrol agents to secure the border,” said Comer. “Next week, we will hear firsthand from the Border Patrol about this humanitarian and national security crisis. Oversight Republicans are committed to holding the Biden Administration accountable for its dereliction of duty and look forward to hearing testimony from those on the ground battling this crisis.”


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