Biden Creates Army Of Equity Bureaucrats With Latest Executive Order

Biden Creates Army Of Equity Bureaucrats With Latest Executive Order

Contrary to what his critics may claim, President Joe Biden is moving at blazing speed in transforming the federal government into a tool for advancing the principles of Critical Race Theory — diversity, equity, and inclusion — across America. His latest executive order will create an army of equity bureaucrats who will be difficult to fire while the anti-white ideology seeps into the U.S. government.

On his first day in office, Biden signed an E.O. ordering his administration to craft equity action plans and incorporate “racial justice” into their top priorities. Now, Biden is “redoubling” his administration’s efforts to create an “equitable nation” with a new E.O. creating government positions that could last well beyond his presidency.

“Achieving racial equity and support for underserved communities is not a one-time project,” the new order said Thursday. “It must be a multi-generational commitment, and it must remain the responsibility of agencies across the Federal Government.”

In turn, the order mandates that all secretaries in Biden’s cabinet create “agency equity teams” within 30 days. Those teams will be comprised of presidential appointees and also competitive service employees, also known as career officials. Career officials are very difficult to fire due to union protections and also because there must be cause for their termination, among other lengthy processes.

That means those individuals will likely be in the federal government long after Biden leaves office.

The agency equity teams are tasked with doing exactly what it sounds like — making sure each agency is implementing Biden’s goals of creating a diverse workforce that doles out taxpayer dollars based on race and other factors — excellence be damned.

“Each Agency Equity Team shall support continued equity training and equity leadership development for staff across all levels of the agency’s workforce,” the order says in part.

They will also assist the agency head with “staffing and data collection capacity” and will serve as an “advisory and coordination role on priority agency actions.” So, for example, if the racial makeup of the employees at the Department of Interior is too white, then this new office will make suggestions to hire more minorities.

Absent from the executive order is any mention of “merit” or “qualifications.” The goal isn’t to produce a federal workforce of the best and the brightest or subsidize projects that are high quality, but to redistribute the wealth to Americans of different demographics who have had ancestors discriminated against.

The goal, as with all Critical Race Theory-driven ideas, is to “remedy past discrimination with future discrimination,” as one of the most well-known CRT advocates once infamously wrote.

Russel Vought, former Office of Management and Budget director under President Donald J. Trump and president of the Center for Renewing America, told The Daily Wire that the Biden administration has become a bit of an expert in that discrimination.

“‘Equity’ policies are routinely used to justify making decisions based on race, gender, and other identity characteristics,” he said via email. “This Administration has turned government-funded racism into an art. This is dangerous and exactly the type of woke and weaponized government we are trying to defund.”

The full executive order is worth the read. As this author has previously opined, folks like Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg have already made ramming equity through his number priority. Safety has been placed on the back burner. One look at how transportation, supply chains, and train derailments have been handled under his watch let Americans know that it has been a total disaster.

Now, the entire federal government has been ordered to move full steam ahead and “prioritize” what 1776 Project PAC founder Ryan Girdusky has previously described to The Daily Wire as “the first large-scale government-supported laws that discriminate against people based on their race since before Eisenhower was President.” In turn, the dilution of merit and lowering of standards will follow.

If you think dismantling the Leviathan that is the federal bureaucracy is already a hassle now, think of how difficult it will be after equity infects every single inch of it with entrenched career officials. It will be disastrous for the nation.

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.


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