Bill Maher Calls Out Environmentalist Celebs, Politicians for Flying Private Jets, Admits He Does, Too: ‘I Can’t Take Being A Hypocrite’

Bill Maher Calls Out Environmentalist Celebs, Politicians for Flying Private Jets, Admits He Does, Too: ‘I Can’t Take Being A Hypocrite’

Bill Maher, host of HBO’s “Real Time,” slammed left-wing environmentalists for using private jets and not addressing their hypocrisy.

During the segment, Maher, who advocated for trying to take care of the environment, admitted to also flying private planes.

“My name is Bill, and I fly private,” Maher said. “And so does every other person who calls themselves an ‘environmentalist’ who can!”

Maher showed celebrities and politicians who use private jets, including Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), socialist Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and Leonardo DiCaprio.

“All the environmentalists of Hollywood and Washington do it. Their position on climate change is, ‘We must do more to stop pouring carbon into the air, except for me when I want to go somewhere, and then I take a private jet,’” Maher said. “It turns out there is one thing in this world that is completely impossible to resist, and this is it. It’s like heroin. If you do it once, you’ll never stop.”

Maher also hit Biden climate czar John Kerry for using a private jet, saying that it would be like if the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security “smuggled drugs in his butt.”

“People take jets to environmental conferences. If you could run TED Talks on hypocrisy, you wouldn’t need coal,” he said. “But, sorry, not sorry. I tried to do my part to the environment. I never had kids, the one thing worse for the planet than private jets.”

Maher declared that environmentally friendly electric cars “sucked” and that most people are “full of s***” when it comes to pretending to be living in a way that is good for the environment.

“And I’m done being full of shit,” he added. “I can take being a bad environmentalist because almost all of us are, but I can’t take being a hypocrite.”

“So yes, it’s fun to laugh at powerful people,” he concluded. “That’s how I can afford to fly private, but we need to get serious. Really. More nuclear, moving way more money into research and development, I don’t know, but something serious because the real technological problem is the way people are wired. I know it’s easier just to blame Taylor Swift’s plane, but honestly, do you want to be stuck on Southwest with a pissed-off Taylor Swift?”

If insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over, expecting a
different result, we have to stop being insane in our approach to fixing the environment and try something new.

— Bill Maher (@billmaher) January 28, 2023


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