Boebert: Kamala Harris Is Biden’s ‘Shrewd Insurance Policy’ Against Impeachment

Boebert: Kamala Harris Is Biden’s ‘Shrewd Insurance Policy’ Against Impeachment

With Republicans taking over the House, investigations into President Joe Biden’s administration are set to take off — as they should. After all, oversight is one of the key jobs of lawmakers as laid out in the Constitution.

While there have been murmurs that Republicans might go so far as to impeach Biden, top party leaders have seemed to eschew the notion. But that was before a cache of classified documents was found in Biden’s garage — and then kept hidden until after the midterm elections.

But one GOP lawmaker says Biden has the perfect insurance policy to prevent his impeachment: Vice President Kamala Harris.

“Joe Biden has failed the American people and he’s keeping some members from calling for impeachment by having a historically unpopular vice president,” Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) said on Fox News.

“Both have failed to faithfully uphold and execute the law, and both should be held fully accountable,” she added. “Kamala Harris is Biden’s shrewd insurance policy.”

In the last couple of months, Obama administration-era classified documents have been found at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, D.C., and at Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware, home.

But while there have been whispers that Republicans might seek to impeach Biden, Democrats and liberal news outlets are openly talking about dropping Harris from the 2024 ticket.

Harris is just 58 and is the first female vice president — the highest-ranking female official in U.S. history. And she just happens to be the first black and first Asian American vice president. That checks a lot of boxes for identity-conscious Democrats.

And still the talk persists. If Biden runs again, he should dump Harris, some stories say. Others say that if he doesn’t run, the party should bail on her and pick someone else.

The stories aren’t wrong, per se. They do contain facts, like this from a September survey from Morning Consult: Just 28% of Democratic voters would vote for Harris in a Democratic presidential primary without Biden on the ballot, down from 33% in a poll last year. You don’t win the White House with those numbers.

Slate was one of the latest liberal sites to come out against Harris.

“As Joe Biden weighs a run for re-election even as he becomes the first octogenarian U.S. president in history, he should think back on what it was like to watch the Harris campaign flame out,” Christina Cauterucci wrote. “Harris, a proven dud of a presidential candidate who has done little to distinguish herself since is not a good choice for the Democrats’ top billing. For his second term, should he seek one (he shouldn’t!), Biden should tap someone else.”

Harris, it turns out, is surprisingly even more unpopular than her predecessors.

“As the country has become more partisan, vice presidents have been less likely to enjoy broad support among the public. [Mike] Pence, for example, had a net favorability of roughly zero for much of his four years in the White House. Joe Biden, Dick Cheney, and Al Gore all began their tenures with higher ratings than Harris currently enjoys,” the Los Angeles Times wrote last month.

And Capitol Weekly openly derided Harris in an October piece headlined, “Memo to Democrats: Beware of Kamala Harris, in 2024 or beyond.”

“Despite her obvious intelligence, Harris just isn’t very good, I’m sorry to say, either as a candidate or communicator,” Democrat strategist Garry South wrote. “When it comes to Harris and 2024 – or beyond — Democrats would be wise to bear in mind the old time-honored caution, caveat emptor.”

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

Joseph Curl has covered politics for 35 years, including 12 years as White House correspondent for a national newspaper. He was also the a.m. editor of the Drudge Report for four years. Send tips to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and follow him on Twitter @josephcurl.


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