California Math Professor Under Investigation For Opposing Transgender Surgeries On Children

California Math Professor Under Investigation For Opposing Transgender Surgeries On Children

A Northern California city college launched a “full investigation” on a math professor who argued against pushing transgender surgeries and hormone blockers on children in a series of emails obtained by local media.

In response to an email sent to Sacramento City College faculty promoting “The Ethics of Providing Healthcare” at Sacramento State University last week, Professor Robert Crawford wrote that kids should be able to “figure out who they are without being bullied into radical surgeries and hormone blockers.”

“We should stand against castrating boys and we should imprison any doctor who cuts off healthy girls [sic] breasts,” Crawford wrote. “This is an evil that we should all be against.”

“No child fantasies about being the opposite sex/gender should be entertained,” he added. “For Christs sake, stop this madness.”


Crawford received pushback from other staff members, including one from the Sociology department who asked the math professor to explain how a child would “know they are really the opposite gender.”

“They’ve never had the body of the opposite gender so how do they know this? I’ll wait….” the unnamed female faculty member wrote.

Crawford then claimed the faculty member “plays for the other team … a double agent parading as a union rep,” who allegedly coerced people into taking the “pseudo vaccine” and denied support to other faculty members who were fired after refusing to comply with the mandate.

“I suggest we vote for new leadership that isn’t compromised by his/her own Leftist/tyrannical ideology,” he said before shifting back to the original topic.

“With all the people detransitioning and hating their parents for allowing them to butcher their bodies in their naivete [sic] as youths, we need to look far more skeptically at ‘doctors’ and others who would encourage radical surgeries and puberty blockers onto children,” Crawford said. “Follow the money.”

Daily Wire host Matt Walsh recently uncovered shocking details of the so-called gender-affirming care at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

According to Dr. Shayne Sebold Taylor of the center’s Clinic for Transgender Health, “chest reconstruction” could cost $40,000 per patient, vaginoplasty surgeries are about $20,000, and patients undergoing female-to-male bottom surgeries could pay up to $100,000.

“It’s a lot of money,” Taylor said at one Medicine Grand Rounds lecture unearthed on video and archived web pages. “These surgeries make a lot of money.”

Crawford’s comments sparked city college officials to take the “discrimination or harassment” accusations against the staff member “very seriously.”

Kaitlyn Collignon, Communications and Public Information Officer from Sacramento City College, told local media that they have begun “a full investigation into the incident and communications in question, and will take all appropriate steps to protect the safety and well-being of our students, faculty, and staff.”

UC Davis Law Professor Ash Bhagwat told local media that Crawford’s comments get “problematic” and complicated as the professor sent the emails under his community college email address.

Noting the professor’s views may create a hostile work environment, Bhagwat said there could be a claim under Title VII for discrimination.

“Hostile work environment is a Title VII claim for discrimination,” Bhagwat said. “But you have to be discriminated based on a protected category,” adding that “being offended is not being discriminated against based on a protected class.”

Crawford said he stood behind his emails in a request for comment from local media.

“Feel free to publish my comments as they are,” Crawford said. “I stand behind them 100%. God is my witness and judge in this life not the latest fashions.”

“I am called to speak up for the innocent and defend them,” he added.


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