Comer Believes 6 Or 7 Biden Family Members Involved In Foreign Business ‘Schemes’

Comer Believes 6 Or 7 Biden Family Members Involved In Foreign Business ‘Schemes’

A lead Republican investigator now claims several members of the Biden family are involved in shady business ventures abroad, sharing in the past 24 hours a larger headcount than previously known.

House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) hit the media circuit Wednesday evening and Thursday morning to provide an update after his committee received access to bank records and suspicious activity reports.

In an interview with Fox News host Laura Ingraham on Wednesday night, Comer said evidence of influence peddling runs deep into President Joe Biden’s family tree.

“At the end of this I think we’re gonna see there are probably six or seven Biden family members that were involved in various business schemes around the world,” Comer said.

🚨@GOPoversight is going to continue to use Biden family bank records & suspicious activity reports to follow the money trail to determine the extent of the Biden family’s business schemes.

I will continue to be transparent and provide the American people our findings. @FoxNews

— Rep. James Comer (@RepJamesComer) March 16, 2023

The chairman said he knows their identities but declined to name them.

When Comer appeared for another interview on Thursday morning with Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo, her show displayed a graphic showing Hunter Biden, the president’s brother James, and five blacked-out frames, each adorned with a big question mark.

President Biden has denied having involvement in the business dealings of his son Hunter and brother James. Federal prosecutors are investigating Hunter Biden over his foreign business dealings in countries such as China and Ukraine, tax affairs, and more. Though Hunter Biden has said he expects to be cleared of wrongdoing, Republicans have raised concerns about influence peddling, especially any that may include the president, spurred in part by findings on an abandoned laptop.

Democrats have raised concerns that their GOP colleagues are focused on digging up “political opposition research” to benefit former President Donald Trump, but Comer told Bartiromo his team has gathered evidence showing a “concerning pattern to get suspicious amounts of money from our adversaries around the world.”

Earlier this week, Comer announced the Treasury Department gave his panel access to suspicious activity reports, which financial institutions can use to flag possible criminal behavior, for the Biden family and their associates’ business transactions.

House investigators also received access to bank records that Comer says revealed John “Rob” Walker, who has been identified as a business associate of Hunter Biden in a venture with executives from CEFC China Energy, received a $3 million wire from two individuals associated with the Chinese Communist Party about two months after Joe Biden left the office of vice president in 2017.

Comer said Walker’s account started transferring money within a day to accounts for three different Biden family members, including one “new” member who had not previously been tied to suspected influence schemes.

“What we’re finding out, Maria, is this Biden family business scheme involved a lot of members of the Biden family, none of whom had any experience in Chinese energy or Ukrainian energy deals,” he said.

Comer said he is so far familiar with about 12 or 13 transactions, and his team plans to request more bank records. “We’re making a lot of progress in this investigation, and it doesn’t look good for the Biden family,” he added.


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