Ex-NFL Player Allegedly Threatens Eric Swalwell: ‘Guantanamo Or Just Execution’

Ex-NFL Player Allegedly Threatens Eric Swalwell: ‘Guantanamo Or Just Execution’

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) reported former San Francisco 49ers fullback Bruce Miller to U.S. Capitol Police this week after Miller allegedly sent him a threatening message on Twitter.

“Who is this guy threatening to execute me?” Swalwell asked on Twitter while posting a screenshot of the message. “And how does he have so many followers?”

Miller’s message to Swalwell said, “Almost time!!! Would you rather Guantanamo or just execution.” “F***in’ traitor.”

Sports writer Rich Madrid responded to Swalwell, “He’s a former pro football player for the 49ers before he got cut for beating up a 70yo man in a sandwich shop.”

Swalwell later shared an update on Twitter: “The @49ers reached out to me this afternoon regarding this threat from a former player. As a lifelong member of The Faithful, I appreciate them sharing their concern.”

UPDATE: The @49ers reached out to me this afternoon regarding this threat from a former player. As a lifelong member of The Faithful, I appreciate them sharing their concern. https://t.co/OtawuiCEPU

— Rep. Eric Swalwell (@RepSwalwell) May 19, 2023

Miller later responded to Swalwell on Twitter, writing: “@ericswalwell I was content with trolling corrupt politicians in my dm’s, but since you want to make a story out of it then that’s what we’ll do. That was in no way a threat to you or you family. I missed when a harmless game of ‘would you rather’ Guantanamo or execution (which to my knowledge is the punishment) for the treason you’ve so aggressively participated in trying to frame the sitting president, who was disrupting the corrupt status quo of the parasitic us gov. You Eric, are a traitor to the country, to your state, and to your district.”

“I am not a threat to you or anyone else for that matter,” he continued. “However, you and the uniparty are a threat to the country and to the world. While your busy deflecting to bs and running around screwing Chinese spies while sitting on an intelligence committee, the Bay Area is in decay under the leadership of you and the other corrupt leadership.”


“But you’d rather spend the last 7 years committing the biggest fraud in US history, instead of helping people. One that all of you knew from conception was a fraud, and it’s very clear,” he added. “I never threatened you, I asked a simple question which struck a nerve, which I can imagine would since that punishment is in the cards for you and many others! Im not maga, republican or democrat. I’m an American who is sick of watching the corrupt establishment destroy our country.”


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