Former Trump White House Lawyer Predicts Bad News For The Former President

Former Trump White House Lawyer Predicts Bad News For The Former President

Ty Cobb, a former White House lawyer for President Donald Trump, said that he believes that the former president will get convicted in the federal criminal investigation into his handling of classified materials and that he will ultimately go to prison over it.

Cobb made the remarks during a CNN interview while discussing the case, which he believes is nearing its conclusion with forthcoming indictments set to be made.

“I think that this case is ready to go,” he said. “I think there is a possibility that the obstruction case may be broadened to go ahead and include the Espionage Act and counts and the possession, illegal possession of the classified documents, given the extent that, and solely because of the fact that Trump keeps lying about what the law is.”

Cobb noted that a recent report indicated that some “16 different government officials reminded him of the process” that he needed to take to declassify information and that the former president “totally ignored that and believed that the mere fact he took them declassifies them. It’s not the law.”

On the subject of whether prosecutors could try to indict Trump on the espionage act in addition to obstruction of justice charges, Cobb said that based on his own career as a federal prosecutor he “would not necessarily expand the case to try to prove the Espionage Act piece of it because there’s so much evidence of guilty knowledge on the espionage piece that all they really have to do is show that Trump moved these documents at various times when DOJ was either demanding them or actually present, that he filed falsely with the Justice Department, had his lawyers file falsely with the Justice Department and affidavit to the effect that not existed, which was shattered by the documents that they then discovered after the search.”

Cobb said that he believes that the obstruction part of the case was air-tight, adding: “I do think he’ll go to jail on it.”

Cobb said that he doesn’t think the criminal charges filed by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg will have much of an impact on Trump’s political fortunes but he believes federal law enforcement going after Trump will be a different deal altogether.

“Independents, they may not have thought much of the events in New York with Alvin Bragg. I think some have focused in a little bit more on the Carroll case,” he said. “But everybody will be watching if the feds come after him, and the feds are coming, and I think they’re coming fast.”



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