Former Vice President Mike Pence Launches Run For President

Former Vice President Mike Pence Launches Run For President

Former Vice President Mike Pence has officially launched his 2024 presidential campaign, just days after officially filing to run

Pence, who represented Indiana in the House of Representatives from 2001-2013 before becoming governor of the Hoosier State, announced his launch in a campaign video released early Wednesday morning. 

“President Joe Biden and the radical left have weakened America at home and abroad,” Pence said in the video. “We can turn this country around. But different times call for different leadership.”

I believe in the American people, and I have faith God is not done with America yet. Together, we can bring this Country back, and the best days for the Greatest Nation on Earth are yet to come! 🇺🇸 #Pence2024

— Mike Pence (@Mike_Pence) June 7, 2023

“I have long believed to whom much is given much will be required. My family and I have been blessed beyond measure with opportunities to serve this nation and it would be easy to stay on the sidelines. But that’s not how I was raised. That’s why today, before God and my family, I’m announcing I’m running for president of the United States,” he added.  

Throughout the video, Pence discussed securing the southern border, strengthening the economy, pursuing a balanced budget, and creating new opportunities. He talked about bringing the country “back,” saying that “the best days for the greatest nation on Earth are yet to come.” 


As governor of Indiana, Pence implemented the largest tax cut in Indiana’s history, lowering individual income tax rates, the business personal property tax, and the corporate income tax, and also signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, later amending it after enormous corporate pressure. 

As vice president, Pence chaired the White House Coronavirus Task Force and certified the results of the 2020 presidential election after Trump requested that he not do so. He becomes the first former vice president to run against the president he served with in the modern era. 

“I think we’ll have better choices,” Pence said recently of Trump’s effort to win the 2024 nomination. “The American people want us to return to the policies of the Trump-Pence administration, but I think they want to see leadership that reflects more of the character of the American people.”

Pence will speak to supporters in Des Moines, Iowa, a critical GOP primary state, later on Wednesday. He joins a growing pool of GOP hopefuls, including former President Donald Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy.


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