Hillary Clinton Sums Up The New Democratic Party Base

Hillary Clinton Sums Up The New Democratic Party Base

Twice-failed presidential candidate and Chappaqua, New York, resident Hillary Clinton summed up the Democratic Party’s new base on Tuesday, and boy is it different from the Democrats of old.

The NAACP has issued a travel advisory warning that Florida is somehow unsafe for black Americans under Governor Ron DeSantis (R). Leftists don’t provide any evidence for why that is, and the NAACP chairman is a Florida resident. But, Clinton also wanted the world to know that Florida is also allegedly unsafe for “LGBTQ+ people, or even multi-billion dollar corporations.”

Hillary Clinton Sums Up The New Base Of The Democratic party https://t.co/AuxPzBMpeh

— Tim Meads (@TimMeadsUSA) May 23, 2023

It is a bit odd to be concerned about the well-being of gigantic corporations — especially as a Democrat. Leftists have historically painted Republicans as the party of Big Business — whereas the Democrats look out for the little guy.

Now, even The New York Times admits that is no longer the case.

Why? Well, corporate America is now often more aligned with social justice warrior causes such as advancing BLM-related initiatives, the LGBTQ agenda, and even abortion.

As the Times’ Andrew Ross Sorkin said in 2021, “Companies from Netflix to Citigroup got behind Black Lives Matter last summer; boycotts, including by the National Basketball Association’s All-Star Game, pushed North Carolina to repeal a law preventing transgender people from using restrooms that match their gender identity; and now, companies are speaking out against efforts that disproportionally suppress minority votes.”

Folks on Wall Street, often employed at these “multi-billion dollar corporations,” donated more than $74 million to then-candidate Joe Biden in 2020, too. Biden raked in donations from Wall Street while Trump was given a measly $18 million from those in the industry.


In 2016, those same players gave Clinton herself a whopping $84 million. Trump received only $20 million.

Democrats, and “Disney Conservatives,” have rallied around Mickey Mouse in its fight against DeSantis. Democrats want corporations to act hand-in-hand with the party’s identity politics agenda — especially on issues relating to LGBTQ activism.

For years now, the Left has seen their ticket to power as ruffling up racial strife, celebrating victimhood, and convincing those who identify as lesbian, gay, transgender, and everything else that Republicans hate them. Meanwhile, Democrats have all but ditched their pretense that they care about the average American worker so that they can court new fat cat donors.

As long as businesses go along with diversity, equity, and inclusion, then Democrats like Clinton are happy to defend them.

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.


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