Internet Celebrity, UFC Promoter Hasbulla Arrested Following Wedding Celebration

Internet Celebrity, UFC Promoter Hasbulla Arrested Following Wedding Celebration

TikTok celebrity and UFC promoter Hasbulla Magomedov was arrested on Sunday for violating traffic laws after blocking traffic and doing doughnuts on a main road with his entourage of friends after attending a wedding in the republic of Dagestan, Russia.

Hasbulla, 20, and six others were seen obstructing traffic by drifting in the middle of a highway with their vehicles in a video posted by Red Corner MMA. The video also showed him and his friends taken into custody and charged with administrative violations.

Police in Dagestan arrested Hasbulla and some of his friends for violating traffic laws

According to Dagetan's Internal Affairs, Hasbulla and others drove out into the street and were interfering with other drivers.

The entourage was taken into custody and charged with…

— Red Corner MMA (@RedCorner_MMA) May 8, 2023

The Ministry of Internal Affairs in Dagestan said on Telegram, “Unbridled wedding fun in Dagestan is known to many and extends far beyond the borders of the republic.”

“In the absence of other types of entertainment, such a primitive option is still extremely popular – blocking roads, burning rubber, smashing cars against each other, and many other features that, in fact, have nothing to do with the celebration and holiday of the young,” the agency said.

“All participants of ‘wedding emotions,’ as they themselves call it, were taken to the police, and in relation to them, employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan drew up administrative protocols for all violations.”

Hasbulla, who rose to fame during the pandemic after posting clips of himself driving a motorized scooter and lecturing a kid riding a bicycle about COVID restrictions, stands just over 3 feet tall due to a form of dwarfism caused by a growth hormone deficiency that affected his height and voice.

Hasbulla’s Instagram account, which has amassed over 8 million followers, apologized for the incident following his arrest.

“We decided to hype a little bit,” the post reads. “That won’t happen again, people. We apologise. We had to answer for it a little bit. I wasn’t driving either.”

Hasbulla’s official Twitter account has posted: “#FreeBulla.”

It was not immediately known if Hasbulla and his entourage would face any time in jail.


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