Israeli Woman Discovered Her Grandmother’s Death After Terrorist Filmed It, Posted On Facebook

Israeli Woman Discovered Her Grandmother’s Death After Terrorist Filmed It, Posted On Facebook

Israeli woman Mor Bayder learned about the murder of her grandmother on Saturday from a Hamas terrorist who uploaded a video of the gory scene to the grandmother’s private Facebook page.

Bayder recounted her experience during the unprecedented terror attack on Israel to a local outlet, Israel Channel 13 News. Her voice broke and she wept while telling of discovering her grandmother’s death.

“We woke up in the morning, like the whole country, to sirens. We ran to the bomb shelter, of course. We called grandma immediately,” she said, according to captioning on the video. Bayder and her mother, after speaking with the grandmother, went into the bomb shelter to wait out the sirens.

As soon as Bayder and her mother left the shelter, they received a call from Bayder’s aunt telling them to look on Facebook.

At this point in her story to the interviewer, Bayder began to weep.

“Mom couldn’t even open the app, her whole body was shaking. I opened it from my phone and I saw the horror. I saw the biggest tragedy that can even be imagined,” Bayder said. “My grandmother was on the floor of her home, murdered, on video.”

Her grandmother was lying in a pool of her own blood. The video was posted to the grandmother’s private Facebook account presumably by the Palestinian terrorist who had, just a short time before, murdered her.

“That’s how we found out. We screamed loudly. Everyone here lost it. We screamed,” Bayder said.


She went on to say that at the kibbutz, or commune, that her grandmother was living in by the Gaza border, few people are left. Many were murdered during the Hamas invasion.

“The kibbutz went through hell on earth. There’s hardly anyone left there. Everyone got kidnapped, murdered; innocent people,” Bayder said.

Bayder also posted a tribute to her grandmother on social media, writing in Hebrew, “the purest thing in the world, the light in my life, my whole world … can’t make it real.”

“Those who know me know what she is to me, what kind of connection we had, what kind of person she is, pure and good,” she said, according to CBS News. “How do we go on without you? Who am I without you?”

A must watch 💔 Mor's grandmother was brutally murdered by Hamas terrorists >

— Hananya Naftali (@HananyaNaftali) October 9, 2023

The death toll from the Hamas attack on Saturday has grown to over 1,200 with thousands more injured. The attack is the deadliest terror attack in modern Israeli history. The government has responded by declaring an unprecedented war on Hamas that the terrorists and their allies will remember for decades.


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