Joe Rogan Goes Off On CNN: ‘They Lost A F***load Of Credibility’

Joe Rogan Goes Off On CNN: ‘They Lost A F***load Of Credibility’

Podcast legend Joe Rogan slammed CNN during a broadcast this week over their coverage of medication that he took during the COVID pandemic.

Rogan made the remarks about the drug ivermectin while talking to guest Russell Brand, a noted comedian, actor, and fellow podcast host.

“When you had CNN and MSNBC and all these different cable news network shows, calling it horse dewormer when it was a drug that won the Nobel Prize for the inventor of it,” he said. “It’s a drug that has had billions, literally billions of prescriptions filled. It’s a drug that saved lives and drug that’s on the World Health Organization’s list of essential medicines, and for them, to have the gall, and to have the sheer audacity to just out and out lie to people about what a medication is. And it’s used on humans far more than it’s used on horses.”

Rogan said that CNN pushed the narrative because they were “beholden to the people that give them exorbitant amounts of money in advertising revenue.”

“And they f***ing followed in line, and they all piled on. And they lost a f***load of credibility from it,” he said. “Yeah, I mean, if you look at the way people who saw that, how many people saw that, and go, ‘Oh, my God, they’re just lying. They’re just lying.’ Like it, there’s no excuse for that. You can’t imagine a scenario where they really thought I was taking horse medication.”


“And then they changed my filter and turned me yellow on television. Like they took the original video of me and ran through a filter to make me look horrible. It’s really, they did some wild s***. But that wild s*** that they did cost them their credibility, I just don’t think they understood the landscape when they were doing that.”


Joe Rogan blasts CNN for blatantly lying about Ivermectin and labeling him a conspiracy theorist.

— Mythinformed MKE (@MythinformedMKE) March 2, 2023


JOE ROGAN, PODCAST HOST: Well, not just that, but the blatant lies that CNN was telling about it. When you had CNN and MSNBC and all these different cable news network shows, calling it horse dewormer when it was a drug that won the Nobel Prize for the inventor of it. It’s a drug that has had billions, literally billions of prescriptions filled. It’s a drug that saved lives and drug that’s on the World Health Organization’s list of essential medicines, and for them, to have the gall, and to have the sheer audacity to just out and out lie to people about what a medication is. And it’s used on humans far more than it’s used on horses. And that they were calling that horse dewormer, to try to mock me because they knew that I was unvaccinated, and I kicked COVID very quickly, and they did not want that narrative out there. And they were beholden to their handlers. They were beholden to the people that give them exorbitant amounts of money in advertising revenue. And they f***ing followed in line, and they all piled on. And they lost a f***load of credibility from it. Yeah, I mean, if you look at the way people who saw that, how many people saw that, and go, ‘Oh, my God, they’re just lying. They’re just lying.’ Like it, there’s no excuse for that. You can’t imagine a scenario where they really thought I was taking horse medication. You can’t imagine a scenario where they thought that I couldn’t get real people medication, you can’t imagine it. I’m not poor. I’m not without resources. I’m not confused. I’m not without the recommendation of actual physicians. None of that makes any sense. The idea that they could go on television and say, ‘Oh, this conspiracy theorist is taking horse dewormer.’ And that was the narrative not, ‘Hey, how’d that guy get better so quick?’ How was it three days after he got COVID, we shut the whole country down for this thing, and he looks fine.’ And then they changed my filter and turned me yellow on television. Like they took the original video of me and ran through a filter to make me look horrible. It’s really, they did some wild s**t. But that wild s*** that they did cost them their credibility, I just don’t think they understood the landscape when they were doing that.


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