Keanu Reeves Files Protection Order Against Transient Stalker Who Insists He’s Related

Keanu Reeves Files Protection Order Against Transient Stalker Who Insists He’s Related

Actor Keanu Reeves has filed for an order of protection after an alleged stalker claimed that they were related by blood.

According to a report from entertainment site TMZ, Reeves’ attorney, Matthew Rosengart, filed paperwork on Tuesday stating that the alleged stalker — a 38-year-old man named Bryan Dixon — has been harassing Reeves and his partner, Alexandra Grant, for months.

Dixon, who Reeves says is a transient, has repeatedly attempted to convince the “Speed” star that they are somehow related — even reportedly leaving behind a DNA test kit in an effort to prove it.

According to the court documents TMZ reviewed, Dixon has allegedly trespassed on Reeves’ property at least six times since November — including one incident on November 5 when Dixon reportedly managed to sneak onto the property and then fall asleep.

He was removed from the property only to return the following day, at which point Reeves claims he left behind a backpack containing the DNA kit.

Dixon has also reportedly used the surname “Reeves” in a number of social media posts, claiming that he has signed his own rights over to the “Matrix” actor — despite the fact that Reeves says they don’t know each other and never interacted prior to the alleged harassment.

Reeves’ lawyers looked into Dixon’s criminal history as well — they say his rap sheet is of considerable length and includes an active Rhode Island bench warrant for breaking and entering “with felonious intent.”

The documents state that Dixon attempted to breach the property as recently as January 20, and that police have gotten involved to help resolve the situation.

As for the restraining order, the judge agreed that Dixon could potentially be a threat and granted the order: Dixon cannot come within 100 yards of either Reeves or Grant.

It’s not the pair’s first time to court over this sort of thing, either. Grant filed for a protection order in 2020 against a female stalker who was reportedly obsessed with Reeves and his career before turning her attention to Grant.


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