Levi’s Says It Will Use AI Clothing Models In The Name Of ‘Diversity’

Levi’s Says It Will Use AI Clothing Models In The Name Of ‘Diversity’

Levi’s announced it will start using AI-generated fashion models in an effort to increase “diversity” for online shoppers of the denim company’s clothing.

The company recently shared news of its partnership with Lalaland.ai, a digital fashion studio that creates what it calls artificial intelligence to make realistic models, The Verge reported.

Amy Gershkoff Bolles, global head of digital and emerging technology strategy at Levi Strauss & Co said the models will not replace human models and will instead, “supplement” them to create a more “personal” online shopping experience.

In a confusing announcement, Levi’s announced it made AI models to be more diverse. https://t.co/23udOtKoVA

— New York Magazine (@NYMag) March 27, 2023

“While AI will likely never fully replace human models for us, we are excited for the potential capabilities this may afford us for the consumer experience,” Bolles said.

The company also said in a press release that it doesn’t see the AI-generated clothing models as a “sole solution” to promoting equity, inclusion, and diversity.

By the iconic denim company using the AI technology, it could be a way for shoppers to make the models customizable, allowing them to change the ages, body types, skin tones and more for shoppers who want to see the clothing on bodies that resemble their own, the outlet noted.

“This AI technology can potentially assist us by supplementing models and unlocking a future where we can enable customers to see our products on more models that look like themselves, creating a more personal and inclusive shopping experience,” the company’s announcement said, The Cut noted.

Levi Strauss & Co., over the last few years, has had large layoffs to deal with cutting costs to save money, the outlet noted. In 2020, 700 roles were cut from the company, followed by a layoff of some 800 additional workers last year.

The cuts have allowed the company to save some $100 million per year, the New York Magazine reported.


The news about the company using AI models has started a bit of a backlash online, with some claiming all the company needed to do to improve diversity was hire models of different races and body types, AdAge.com noted.

“So instead of increasing diversity by hiring actual Black and Brown models, Levi’s is going to get AI models,” one person wrote. “The conversation around diversity has hit the ‘jumped the shark’ level. Cuz WTF.”

So instead of increasing diversity by hiring actual Black and Brown models, Levi's is going to get AI models. The conversation around diversity has hit the "jumped the shark" level. Cuz WTF. https://t.co/kdZvMzTtOL

— Luvvie (@Luvvie) March 27, 2023

Another person added, “Another way to phrase this: [LEVIS] is using AI generated people as a way to avoid hiring and paying models who aren’t white.”

Another way to phrase this: @LEVIS is using AI generated people as a way to avoid hiring and paying models who aren’t white https://t.co/tBQmEJ1mF6

— Paul Fischer (@tencents77) March 25, 2023

Another person tweeted, “Or I don’t know, just hire people who need jobs.”

or idk just hire people who need jobs

— Stephen Ford (@StephenSeanFord) March 25, 2023


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