Matt Walsh Breaks Silence After Major Hack, Says An ‘Insider’ Was Involved

Matt Walsh Breaks Silence After Major Hack, Says An ‘Insider’ Was Involved

Daily Wire host Matt Walsh broke his silence Wednesday after a hacker gained access to his Twitter account, disclosing that the hack was more comprehensive than people thought.

Many of Walsh’s followers noticed something was awry when his Twitter account started posting uncharacteristic messages. Although he has since regained access, Walsh said that his phone and private online files were also infiltrated by a stranger.

“My entire life laid bare,” Walsh said. “As expected, the Left and many in the media were eagerly cheering on this series of felonies that were committed against me and my family. Reporters took to Twitter to openly solicit the hacker to send the reporters stolen information from my phone, so they could use it to try to embarrass me. Prominent leftists and trans activists gloated, declaring that a criminal infringement on my privacy and safety is okay in this case, because they don’t like me.”

Walsh, speaking on the topic of transgenderism at the University of Iowa, also said that an “insider” helped the outsider gain access to Walsh’s information by switching Walsh’s phone number over to a sim card controlled by the hacker. But the Daily Wire firebrand had a message to those who took the hack as an opportunity to try and solicit his private information: “lawyer up.”

“What was motivating the insider to distribute my personal data to a hacker?” Walsh asked. “We can make some educated guesses, but we don’t know at this point. There is still a lot we don’t know about what happened — who did it? How? Why? But I’ll tell you, we are going to get answers to all of those questions. We’re getting them right now — and there are going to be consequences. … That includes the journalists who solicited stolen information from my phone.”

.@MattWalshBlog on being hacked:

"They're going to be severe consequences… that includes the journalists who solicited stolen information from my phone. I hope you can afford more expensive lawyers than I can because…lawyer up."

— Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) April 20, 2023

Hours before his speech at Iowa, Wired published an interview with someone purporting to be the person who accessed Walsh’s personal information. The hacker, identified as “Doomed,” told the outlet that he just wanted to stir up controversy and chaos on Twitter, and was “bored.”

Walsh also revealed that he and his family have been subjected to recent threats from radical leftists and trans activists. The conservative commentator said that one trans activist threatened online that he would kill Walsh, but when Walsh reported it to the local district attorney, the threat was dismissed as “harmless trolling.”


“We have been doxxed so many times I’ve basically lost count at this point. We have been threatened by message, by email, by snail mail to our house. People have shown up to our house. We’ve been blackmailed,” Walsh said. “It got to the point where we need 24-hour armed security in our house. … Security is our only option because the system has no interest in prosecuting these people.”

.@MattWalshBlog to the woke Left:

"I have never been more motivated to oppose you…I truly see the fight against gender ideology as the last stand for western civilization. If the sane side loses this, it’s over. It's over after this…I’m staying put."

— Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) April 20, 2023


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