Matt Walsh Hits Stanford University On ‘What Is A Woman?’ College Tour

Matt Walsh Hits Stanford University On ‘What Is A Woman?’ College Tour

On Wednesday, Daily Wire podcast host Matt Walsh headed to California despite protests and the state’s massive winter storm to speak at Stanford University as part of his “What Is A Woman?” college tour.

During the lecture on Wednesday, Walsh told the packed house that he was there to speak about truth, and specifically “the truth that you are either a man or a woman” — debunking the views of the radical gender ideology movement.

“You do not get to choose which category you belong to,” the host shared. “Your sex is determined without your consent. It is a matter of nature … nobody can transcend this binary arrangement. Nobody can be truly trans.”

“You can only say the word trans, but you can’t actually be it,” he added. “This is what makes gender ideology [the idea it’s fluid] … this is what makes gender ideology insane and poisonous and destructive.”

Walsh also had a message for students who were upset about him speaking at the university following The Stanford Daily publishing a piece, titled “Matt Walsh: A dangerous presence on campus,” in which the author argued that it wasn’t a matter of freedom of speech, but the “lives of our queer and trans students.”

“I just want to state at the start that I am sorry that you think you can get your way through that kind of emotional manipulation,” the host shared. “I am sorry that you’ve been told the world will always bend to your whim. You can’t always get your way.”

Walsh then noted what he called the five objections he hears from those who oppose his views, including, “you’re not qualified to make these statements; you’re not a doctor.”

“First of all I’m defending basic, self-evident truths,” Walsh said. “There are some truths both moral and scientific that are accessible to everyone. And the truth that men are male and women are female is one of the most accessible truths there is.”


“And the answer is, well, because it has to be someone,” he added. “As it turns out, there aren’t that many people who are very eager to stand up here and say all these things. So, I’ll do it, that’s why.”

The college lecture expands upon Walsh’s acclaimed documentary in which he successfully challenges radical ideas about gender ideology. “What Is A Woman?” premiered in June and has a 96% audience score on the review website Rotten Tomatoes.

Wednesday’s event was sponsored by the Stanford College Republicans and Young America’s Foundation. Hours before Walsh spoke, left-wing protestors made it clear that they were going to try and stop the event.

With @MattWalshblog slated to come speak today, leftist agitators from off-campus are already declaring their intention of protesting and disrupting the event on social media. @yaf 1/

— Stanford College Republicans (@Stanford_GOP) March 1, 2023

The campus Republican group posted several videos and photos showing leftist protestors “ripping down” their Matt Walsh “flyers in broad daylight.”

The group tweeted that “the left cannot defend the transgender farce, so their only strategy is to silence those who speak out against it. This authoritarian behavior will not stand.”


Today, we caught leftist ripping down our @MattWalshBlog flyers in broad daylight.

The left cannot defend the transgender farce, so their only strategy is to silence those who speak out against it. This authoritarian behavior will not stand. @yaf

— Stanford College Republicans (@Stanford_GOP) March 1, 2023

Later, the group shared footage showing another protestor removing a huge “banner advertising for [Walsh’s] lecture,” showing it had been “taken down AGAIN.”

Our banner advertising for @MattWalshBlog ’s lecture was taken down AGAIN.

This time we confronted the leftist who did it. 👇👇👇@yaf

— Stanford College Republicans (@Stanford_GOP) March 2, 2023

The group approached and confronted the person who tore it down, asking why they did it. They later recovered it from the person. Another video showed what the group called “triggered leftist” protestors who claimed, “the same way you get to put the flyers up, I get to take them down.”

Triggered leftist at Stanford: “The same way you get to put the flyers up, I get to take them down.”

This is the deranged mentality of the campus left. Watch as we confront ANOTHER leftist for ripping down our flyers 👇👇@MattWalshBlog @yaf

— Stanford College Republicans (@Stanford_GOP) March 2, 2023

“This is the deranged mentality of the campus left,” the tweet added. “Watch as we confront ANOTHER leftist for ripping down our flyers.”

On Tuesday, protestors set fire to flyers promoting Walsh’s appearance, The College Fix reported. The Republican group on campus tweeted photos showing the flyers advertising Walsh’s event set ablaze by protesters. Eventbrite, the platform promoting the event, even removed the speech’s ticketing page. At the last minute, organizers then had to set up a new ticketing platform, the outlet noted.

With @MattWalshBlog coming to Stanford March 1st, Leftists are losing their minds. Just last night leftists made the point by TORCHING our flyers.

We deny covering any well-meaning flyers intentionally, but is lighting our flyers on FIRE really a rational reaction? @yaf

— Stanford College Republicans (@Stanford_GOP) February 17, 2023

“Remarkably, in a country founded on the principles of free speech and expression, some still think they control what others can see and hear,” YAF spokesperson Michael McGonigle told the outlet. “Fortunately, they’re wrong. It’s easier to burn posters than show up and engage in a respectful exchange of ideas—perhaps out of fear they may agree with what they hear.”

In an article last week by the Stanford College Republicans, titled “Why We Invited Matt Walsh,” the group wrote that in a place where “the leftist gender-bending ideology is the norm—embraced, or at least tacitly supported, by nearly all professors and administrators,” it was “more important than ever for students to engage” with Walsh’s ideas.

Related: Matt Walsh Talks To Megyn Kelly About ‘What Is A Woman’ Documentary, Dark Origins Of Gender Ideology


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