Matt Walsh Torches Alleged Ex-Biden Admin Luggage Thief Sam Brinton: ‘The Harvey Weinstein Of Cross-Dressing Baggage Thieves’

Matt Walsh Torches Alleged Ex-Biden Admin Luggage Thief Sam Brinton: ‘The Harvey Weinstein Of Cross-Dressing Baggage Thieves’

Daily Wire podcast host Matt Walsh torched disgraced former Biden administration official Sam Brinton during his podcast on Thursday over the latest woman to come forward and claim that Brinton stole her luggage.

Tanzanian fashion designer Asya Khamsin posted a tweet this week saying that her baggage was stolen from an airport in Washington, D.C., in 2018 and that after seeing Brinton in the news and doing some research, she believes that he stole her luggage because he was photographed wearing her custom-made clothing.

Brinton was eventually fired by the Biden administration late last year after facing multiple criminal charges across the country for allegedly stealing luggage from airports.

“Now, I told you at the time that, you know, this guy was pretty clear to me is stealing the luggage, he’s not stealing it because he wants the luggage, right?” Walsh said. “Nobody needs that much baggage, especially someone like him who already comes with so much baggage to begin with. But it’s very clear that he is doing this and he’s targeting women because it’s all part, again, of this sick, twisted fetish.”

Walsh then began talking about the tweet from Khamsin, saying that the evidence that was presented by the fashion designer made the situation “pretty close to a case closed on this thing.”

“What this means is that Brinton, the baggage bandit, has been patrolling our airports for years,” Walsh said. “He’s been lurking in the baggage claim area like some kind of predatory forest creature on the prowl. This is like when all the small dogs and cats in the neighborhood start going missing and you know that there must be a coyote in the woods, except this coyote steals women’s luggage and then parades around in their clothing. So when we say … that these men are appropriating the female identity, well, he was literally doing that, right? I mean, we were saying that about Sam Brinton when he was first hired and we were supposed to applaud him.”

“And I know I said, and many other people said that he’s making a mockery, he’s appropriating womanhood and all the rest of it,” he continued. “We didn’t realize how literally correct we were. He’s actually stealing their clothing and putting it on, yet nobody ever connected the dots.”

Walsh joked that this was basically like a new “MeToo” movement where women are coming forward and claiming that they were victimized by Brinton.


“All I know is that now we are seeing the beginning of a new MeToo movement, except that in this case, it’s just women coming forward because Sam Brinton stole their baggage. It’s going to be, it’s a whole MeToo thing,” he said. “Sam Brinton is the Harvey Weinstein of cross-dressing baggage thieves. He’s the Bill Cosby of baggage claim, is Sam Brinton. And I just hope that more women have the courage to speak out. It is like, it’s in all seriousness, it’s pretty disturbing, too. Can you imagine, like, you lose your baggage and then and then this creep, then, you know, this creep turns up wearing it?”


TRANSCRIPT (revised for clarity):

MATT WALSH: We have to start with this. I don’t know if it’s the most important story in the country right now. I mean, it’s not, but it is at least the funniest. And so you know all about Sam Brinton. He’s the former Biden energy official who liked to cross-dress and called himself they/them and was also into bestiality role play and all kinds of other sick and insane things that none of us needed or wanted to know about, but we do now.

And he’s also the guy who got fired after stealing luggage from what we thought was only two women on two separate occasions. Stole their luggage right out of the airport, out of the baggage claim. Now, I told you at the time that, you know, this guy was pretty clear to me is stealing the luggage, he’s not stealing it because he wants the luggage, right? Nobody needs that much baggage, especially someone like him who already comes with so much baggage to begin with. But it’s very clear that he is doing this and he’s targeting women because it’s all part, again, of this sick, twisted fetish. He has a thing for stealing and wearing women’s clothing. That was clear to me.

And that brings us to this tweet from a woman named Asya Khamsin. … Here’s the tweet: “My name is Asyakhamsin tanzanian fashion designer based in houston Texas USA. I lost my bag 2018 in DCA. Recently I heard the news on @FoxNews about @sambrinton luggage issue surprisingly I found his images wore my custom made outfit which was in the lost bag in 2018.”

And then you also can see the dated photo of her in the dress in 2018 and then you can also Brinton in the exact same outfit. So, it’s a rather distinct outfit, it’s very distinct because she made, she custom made the outfit. She’s a fashion designer and her luggage goes missing in 2018, four years ago, and then Brinton turns up wearing her custom clothing. You know it’s, it’s pretty close to a case closed on this thing. So what this means is that, there he is, and apparently he’s also wearing this wrong. I think he’s wearing it backwards or something. He doesn’t even know how to wear the outfit.

What this means is that Brinton, the baggage bandit, has been patrolling our airports for years. He’s been lurking in the baggage claim area like some kind of predatory forest creature on the prowl. This is like when all the small dogs and cats in the neighborhood start going missing and you know that there must be a coyote in the woods, except this coyote steals women’s luggage and then parades around in their clothing. So when we say … that these men are appropriating the female identity, well, he was literally doing that, right? I mean, we were saying that about Sam Brinton when he was first hired and we were supposed to applaud him.

And I know I said, and many other people said that he’s making a mockery, he’s appropriating womanhood and all the rest of it. We didn’t realize how literally correct we were. He’s actually stealing their clothing and putting it on, yet nobody ever connected the dots. That’s what’s interesting. At least we don’t think they did. You know, I like to imagine that there was maybe one detective somewhere out there who was at the station late one night smoking cigarets and drinking black coffee and poring through all these missing baggage cases. And then, you know, he realized that it was all done by one man and that there was a criminal mastermind on the loose. And he had the bulletin board up with all the newspaper clippings and the you know, and the lines connecting them and all that. And he realized that it was Sam Brinton the entire time and he tried to make the arrest, but the brass at the station stopped him.

That’s what I like to imagine happened anyway. And if it didn’t happen, then someone should make a movie where something like that does happen. All I know is that now we are seeing the beginning of a new MeToo movement, except that in this case, it’s just women coming forward because Sam Brinton stole their baggage. It’s going to be, it’s a whole MeToo thing. Sam Brinton is the Harvey Weinstein of cross-dressing baggage thieves. He’s the Bill Cosby of baggage claim, is Sam Brinton. And I just hope that more women have the courage to speak out. It is like, it’s in all seriousness, it’s pretty disturbing, too. Can you imagine, like you lose your baggage and then and then this creep, then, you know, this creep turns up wearing it?

So stay tuned. More on that. I will say, if you’re a woman, if you’re a woman who has lost your baggage, at any point in the last decade, anywhere within the continental United States or probably anywhere else in the globe, we don’t know how far this conspiracy stretches, but if you were in that category, I would start … Googling images of Sam Brinton to see if you can find him wearing your clothing. But if you do that, you’re going to see a lot of other things about Sam Brinton that you don’t want to see. So never mind. You know what? Maybe it’s better just not to know. You probably don’t want to know and all you could do now is move on with your life.


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