Mexico’s President Shares Photo Of What He Claims Is A Mystical Elf Found In The Wild

Mexico’s President Shares Photo Of What He Claims Is A Mystical Elf Found In The Wild

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who is commonly referred to as AMLO, posted a photo to social media over the weekend that he claims shows what is effectively a mystical elf found living in nature.

“I share two photos of our supervision of the Mayan Train works,” the president tweeted in Spanish on Saturday. “One, taken by an engineer three days ago, apparently from an aluxe. Another, by Diego Prieto of a splendid pre-Hispanic sculpture in Ek Balam. Everything is mystical.”

AMLO did not appear to be joking with the social media post claiming that an “Aluxe” was spotted. The Associated Press noted that an Aluxe is a mischievous woodland spirit in Mayan folklore.

There photo that AMLO shared claiming was an “Aluxe” was taken during the night and allegedly shows something or someone looking at the person taking the photo.

The report noted that AMLO has long expressed beliefs in folksy myths that have no basis in reality.

Les comparto dos fotos de nuestra supervisión a las obras del Tren Maya: una, tomada por un ingeniero hace tres días, al parecer de un aluxe; otra, de Diego Prieto de una espléndida escultura prehispánica en Ek Balam. Todo es místico.

— Andrés Manuel (@lopezobrador_) February 25, 2023

The tweet comes as AMLO faces large-scale protests of over 100,000 people in Mexico over new laws that could weaken the country’s elections.

The new law makes changes to the system that AMLO claims will save the country millions of dollars while opponents say that the changes could make it easier for elections to be rigged. AMLO faces re-election next year.


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