New Details Emerge About Texas Coach’s Alleged Violent Attack On Fiancée: ‘Choked Me, Threw Me Off The Bed, Bit Me’

New Details Emerge About Texas Coach’s Alleged Violent Attack On Fiancée: ‘Choked Me, Threw Me Off The Bed, Bit Me’

New details emerged Monday evening over the alleged incident that led to the arrest of the University of Texas Men’s Basketball Head Coach Chris Beard.

Beard, 49, was arrested after the Austin Police Department reportedly responded to a “disturbance hot shot,” which the department says are incidents that “are in progress and are an immediate threat to life and/or public safety (i.e. shootings, stabbings, rapes, riots).”

The arrest affidavit said that Beard and his fiancée were having relationship issues and during a heated conversation he “snapped” and “became super violent,” according to Beard’s fiancée.

The incident began after Beard refused to communicate with her because he was mad at her, and when he came home he went to the guest room in the house, the fiancée said. She went into the guest room to check on him. He was reportedly laying on the bed twirling a pair of reading glasses in his hands when she grabbed them and broke them. Things quickly escalated from there.

Beard allegedly went to the main bedroom where he slapped the glasses she was wearing off her face. When the two were supposedly laying in bed together, she attempted to retrieve her glasses and she claims that was when she was thrown off the bed. She attempted to gather her things but reportedly couldn’t see because she didn’t have her glasses. She claims that he stood behind her and put his arm around her neck.

The woman said that she did not feel safe after “he choked me, threw me off the bed, bit me, bruises all over my leg, throwing me around, and going nuts.”

When asked by law enforcement if his choking her “impeded her breathing,” she replied, “yes, I could not breathe, he did it for probably like 5 seconds.”

When Beard was interviewed by police, he said that he had audio recordings that indicated that he was not the primary aggressor. When police asked if he was willing to share the recordings he said no.

Beard has been the head coach of the team for two years now since signing a seven-year contract that pays him $5 million per year.

The Austin American-Statesman reported that a clause in his contract allows the school to suspend or terminate him if “any conduct (a) that the University administration reasonably determines is clearly unbecoming to a Head Coach and reflects poorly on the University, the Program, or The University of Texas System; or (b) resulting in a criminal charge being brought against Head Coach involving a felony, or any crime involving theft, dishonesty, or moral turpitude.”


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