New GOP Committee Chairman To Treasury: Hand Over Info On Biden Family Business Deals

New GOP Committee Chairman To Treasury: Hand Over Info On Biden Family Business Deals

Newly installed as Chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, Kentucky Rep. James Comer fired off a letter to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen demanding they provide information about the Biden family including Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) generated by banks that flagged activities of President Biden’s son Hunter, his brother James, and Biden family associates.

Comer’s predecessor as Chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee was former New York Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, who lost her re-election bid in 2022 to Rep. Jerrold Nadler after redistricting drew them both into the 12th district.

“Members of the Biden family have a pattern of peddling access to the highest levels of government to enrich themselves, often to the detriment of U.S. interests,” the website of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee now states. “We are committed to following the Biden family and associates’ money trail—consisting of many complex, international transactions worth millions of dollars—and providing answers to the American people. The American people deserve to know whether the President’s connections to his family’s business deals occurred at the expense of American interests and whether they represent a national security threat.”

Comer noted in his letter that despite the Committee on Oversight and Accountability investigating President Biden’s involvement in his family’s foreign business practices and international influence peddling schemes, the Department of the Treasury had refused their requests to provide information.

“The Committee is investigating President Biden’s knowledge of and role in these schemes to assess whether he has compromised our national security at the expense of the American people,” Comer wrote. He asked Treasury to produce documents and information including “All SARs generated in connection to Robert Hunter Biden, James Biden, Sara Biden, John R. ‘Rob’ Walker, Eric Schwerin, Devon Archer, and corporate entities linked to them.”

In addition, Comer requested “All documents and communications between or among FinCEN, the Department of Treasury or its affiliated agencies, and the White House regarding Robert Hunter Biden, James Biden, Sara Biden, John R. ‘Rob’ Walker, Eric Schwerin, Devon Archer and corporate entities linked to them.”

Comer noted that in 2022, Treasury stated it “has made SARs available for every request we’ve received, regardless of party, and will continue to do so.” He fired, “However, Treasury’s lack of a substantive response to Republican requests for SARs and other information in the 117th Congress indicates that Treasury’s leadership abandoned this policy at a similar time when we requested information regarding the Biden family. Treasury subsequently in 2022 informed Committee Republican staff that it would provide SARs to congressional committees only in response to requests made by committee chairs.”

But now Comer is the chairman. He stated, “I now make these requests pursuant to my authority as Chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability.”


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