Now, Illegal Aliens Are Even Dying At The U.S. Northern Border

Now, Illegal Aliens Are Even Dying At The U.S. Northern Border

President Joe Biden’s border crisis is so bad that illegal aliens are even dying at the United States’ northern border.

On Friday, The New York Times reported that eight individuals, including one small child, were found dead in the St. Lawrence River. Officials are saying that it was a group of two families from Romania, as well as Indian nationals, attempting to cross into the U.S. from Canada.

“This shows that people are desperate and that Canada and the United States need to do more to review the immigration processes in place,” Abram Benedict, the Grand Chief for the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, said. “It is sad that people want to find a better life and this is the tragedy that results.”

The news comes just weeks after The Daily Wire reported that illegal immigration is skyrocketing at the northern border.

Between October 1, 2022, and February 28 of this year, around 2,000 Mexican migrants illegally crossed the Swanton Sector, a 24,000-square-mile stretch of border between Canada, New York, New Hampshire, and Vermont, The Daily Wire noted. Authorities recorded only 200 such crossings during the same period the previous year.

Meanwhile, the southern border continues to be a gigantic sieve. In fiscal year 2022, border crossings cracked a record 2.7 million, per NBC News. That trend has continued into fiscal year 2023.

Of course, as Benedict said, reform is needed to solve this problem. Unfortunately, though, those policies will never happen under Biden. The sort of “reform” needed to stop this madness is a definitive declaration to the world that if you come here illegally, you will be deported. Talks of amnesty need to be taken off the table — as that only incentivizes more illegal aliens to come in hopes of being granted citizenship. Furthermore, those who do request asylum should be forced to wait in either Canada or Mexico as their asylum cases are heard.

Instead, illegal aliens who declare asylum are often released into the U.S. interior. They likely know that if they can make it through U.S. borders, they have a very decent chance under Biden that they will be allowed into the U.S. So long as that system is in place, it’s safe to say that the border crisis will only get worse — at both ends of the border. That means there will very likely be more of the sort of fatal tragedies that unfolded at the St. Lawrence River in the future.


The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.


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