Panic! At The Disco Singer Breaks Up One Of The Most Popular Bands Of The 2000s To Focus On Family

Panic! At The Disco Singer Breaks Up One Of The Most Popular Bands Of The 2000s To Focus On Family

One of the most popular rock bands of the 21st century is announcing its curtain call.

Panic! at the Disco singer Brendon Urie announced Tuesday that he was calling it quits, finally breaking up the multi-platinum selling, award-winning pop-rock group. Panic! was founded as a band, but transitioned to Urie’s solo project in recent years. Urie said that after his final tour in Europe, he would be hanging up his microphone to spend more time with his family.

“Well, it’s been a hell of a journey…” Urie posted in a statement on the band’s Instagram page. “Growing up in Vegas I could’ve never imagined where this life would take me. So many places all over the world, and all the friends we’ve made along the way. But sometimes a journey must end for a new one to begin. We’ve been trying to keep it to ourselves, though some of you may have heard. Sarah and I are expecting a baby very soon! The prospect of being a father and getting to watch my wife become a mother is both humbling and exciting. I look forward to this next adventure. That said, I am going to bring this chapter of my life to an end and put my focus and energy on my family, and with that Panic! At The Disco will be no more.”

Urie then thanked fans of the project. “Thank you all for your immense support over the years,” he said. “I’ve sat here trying to come up with the perfect way to say this and I truly can’t put into words how much it has meant to us. Whether you’ve been here since the beginning or are just finding us, it has been a pleasure to not only share the stage with so many talented people but also share our time with you. I am looking forward to seeing everyone in Europe and the UK for one last run together. I love you. I appreciate you. Thank you for existing.”

Panic! at the Disco was founded by Urie along with childhood friends Ryan Ross, Spencer Smith, and Brent Wilson. The band released its first album, A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out, in 2005. Both the album and the second single, “I Write Sins Not Tragedies,” were massively successful: to date, the album is certified triple platinum, having sold over 3,000,000 copies, and peaked at number 13 on the Billboard 200 albums chart; the single is certified quintuple platinum, selling more than 5,000,000 units, and peaked at number 7 on the Billboard Hot 100.

The band enjoyed commercial success for their entire run: their second album, 2008’s Pretty. Odd., went platinum; the 2013 album Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die! went platinum, as did 2017’s Pray for the Wicked; their 2015 album Death of a Bachelor went double platinum. The band has had more than a dozen singles certified platinum or better, including “This Is Gospel” (double platinum); “High Hopes” (5x platinum); and “Hey Look Ma, I Made It” (double platinum).

Wilson was fired from the band in 2006, and replaced by Jon Walker. Ross and Jon Walker left the band in 2009, replaced by Dallon Weekes. Smith left the band in 2013, then Weekes left in 2017, leaving Urie as the sole remaining member.


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