SAG-AFTRA Members Vote To Authorize Strike Against Video Game Industry

SAG-AFTRA Members Vote To Authorize Strike Against Video Game Industry

SAG-AFTRA members on Monday voted 98% in favor of authorizing a strike against ten major video game companies. 

The union is currently on strike against the TV and film industry, as is the WGA (Writers Guild of America), which has resulted in a total Hollywood shutdown. The WGA went on strike beginning May 2, while SAG-AFTRA’s work stoppage began July 14.

Now, the video game industry is under the spotlight as another potential strike looms. The union’s last strike against the gaming companies lasted 183 days in 2016 and 2017, per a Deadline report.

“It’s time for the video game companies to stop playing games and get serious about reaching an agreement on this contract,” SAG-AFTRA President Fran Drescher said in a statement. 

Monday’s vote gives the national board the authority to call a strike. It doesn’t necessarily mean it will happen.

“The result of this vote shows our membership understands the existential nature of these negotiations, and that the time is now for these companies — which are making billions of dollars and paying their CEOs lavishly — to give our performers an agreement that keeps performing in video games as a viable career,” Drescher continued.

Many of the union’s demands are similar to those requested by writers and actors striking against the studios, centered on compensation and the use of artificial intelligence (AI).


“After five rounds of bargaining, it has become abundantly clear that the video game companies aren’t willing to meaningfully engage on the critical issues: compensation undercut by inflation, unregulated use of AI, and safety,” SAG-AFTRA National Executive Director and Chief Negotiator Duncan Crabtree-Ireland said. 

“I remain hopeful that we will be able to reach an agreement that meets members’ needs, but our members are done being exploited, and if these corporations aren’t willing to offer a fair deal, our next stop will be the picket lines.”

Audrey Cooling, a spokesperson for the video game companies, said they are working hard to work out a deal and avoid another strike.

“We all want a fair contract that reflects the important contributions of SAG-AFTRA-represented performers in an industry that delivers world-class entertainment to billions of players around the world. We are negotiating in good faith and hope to reach a mutually beneficial deal as soon as possible,” Cooling said.

Both sides are reportedly set to resume negotiations on Tuesday.


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