San Francisco State Offers Counseling To Trans Activists Who Attacked Riley Gaines

San Francisco State Offers Counseling To Trans Activists Who Attacked Riley Gaines

San Francisco State University responded to an on-campus protest — during which trans activists assaulted former NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines and held her hostage — by praising the protesters and offering them access to counseling.

Turning Point USA’s Bay Area college field representative David Llamas shared a copy of the email, which was sent out by Jamillah Moore, Ed.D. (Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management), on Saturday afternoon.

🚨@SFSU sent the following email about the the @Riley_Gaines_ @TPUSA event🚨

“Dear SF State community, 
Today, San Francisco State finds itself again at the center of a national discussion regarding freedom of speech and expression. Let me begin by saying clearly: the trans…

— David Llamas (@davidllamas_) April 8, 2023

“Today, San Francisco State finds itself again at the center of a national discussion regarding freedom of speech and expression,” Moore’s letter began. “Let me begin by saying clearly: the trans community is welcome and belongs at San Francisco State University. Further, our community fiercely believes in unity, connection, care and compassion, and we value different ideas, even when they are not our own.”

Moore went on to tout the value of diversity and noted that, because SFSU was a very diverse campus, students were likely to be exposed to new ideas and points of view.

Without mentioning TPUSA (which hosted the event) or Gaines by name, Moore made it clear that she agreed with the protesters: “We may also find ourselves exposed to divergent views and even views we find personally abhorrent.

“These encounters have sometimes led to discord, anger, confrontation and fear. We must meet this moment and unite with a shared value of learning,” Moore continued, praising the “tremendous bravery” of the students who had gone to voice their opposition and making no mention of the students who had not been peaceful in their efforts to protest.

“Thank you to our students who participated peacefully in Thursday evening’s event. It took tremendous bravery to stand in a challenging space. I am proud of the moments where we listened and asked insightful questions. I am also proud of the moments when our students demonstrated the value of free speech and the right to protest peacefully. These issues do not go away, and these values are very much at our core,” she wrote.

Moore concluded the missive by encouraging those who were struggling to “reflect, process, and begin to heal” to seek help from the available campus resources — which included: Equity and Community Inclusion; Counseling and Psychological Services; Dean of Students Office.

Gaines shared video of the event, which left her barricaded in a room for her own safety. Others reported that protesters had demanded money in exchange for allowing her safe passage out of the building.

The prisoners are running the asylum at SFSU…I was ambushed and physically hit twice by a man. This is proof that women need sex-protected spaces.

Still only further assures me I'm doing something right. When they want you silent, speak louder. 🗣️

— Riley Gaines (@Riley_Gaines_) April 7, 2023


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