Terrorist Attack Leaves Two Little Boys, Newlywed Dead, Elicits Shocking Reaction From Palestinians

Terrorist Attack Leaves Two Little Boys, Newlywed Dead, Elicits Shocking Reaction From Palestinians

A suspected Palestinian terrorist murdered three Jews in Jerusalem Friday, including two young brothers and a 20-year-old newlywed in a horrific act that elicited shockingly disparate reactions from the two communities.

The 31-year-old suspect attacked the crowd while driving a blue Mazda near the Tomb of Samuel (Nebi Samuel National Park) at about 1:30 p.m., killing the young man, identified as Alter Shlomo Laderman, and two brothers, identified as Yaakov Israel Palley, 6, and Asher Menachem Pellay, 8. Yaakov died on Friday from the attack, his brother died on Saturday.

“During Shabbat, the 8-year-old Asher Menachem Pally, who was critically wounded in the Ramot attack, passed away,” Shaare Zedek medical center said. “The boy arrived in critical condition on CPR and many teams from the trauma unit, from the ER, the pediatric intensive care, pediatric surgery and neurosurgery fought for his life for many hours, but sadly they had to pronounce him dead.”

Social media captured the dramatic contrast between how Jews and Palestinians reacted to the murders.

Yaakov & Asher Palei, the two brothers – just 6 & 8 years old – murdered by a Palestinian terrorist in the #Jerusalem car ramming yesterday.

Their only ‘crime’? Being Jewish.

What monstrous evil could ever seek the murder of innocent children, or justify this unspeakable act! pic.twitter.com/Y0YMzg5SRS

— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) February 11, 2023

The brother of 6-year-old Yaakov Yisrael and 8-year-old Asher Menachem Pellay, the two young boys killed in Friday's terror attack in Jerusalem, eulogizes them at Asher Menachem's funeral.

You don't have to understand Hebrew to feel the unbearable pain.pic.twitter.com/6c8SVTaOuv

— Avi Mayer (@AviMayer) February 12, 2023

We don’t even know where to begin with this:

The “driver” was a Palestinian terrorist.

He drove his car into the civilians standing at the bus stop.

And Jerusalem is not a settlement. It’s the capital of Israel. pic.twitter.com/HKw6epyuGp

— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) February 10, 2023

An East Jerusalem Arab plowed into a busy Jerusalem bus stop, killing 2, including a 6-year-old boy. An off-duty cop killed the attacker. This is how a Palestinian outlet presented the story: pic.twitter.com/QpypRhJ6K1

— David May (@DavidSamuelMay) February 10, 2023

The Biden admin has taken unprecedented steps to boost the Palestinians. They waived multiple Congressional anti-terrorism laws to bring PLO leaders to DC. They appointed a Special Representative. They publicly scapegoat Israel for violence. Meanwhile… https://t.co/Us622oVpOK

— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) February 11, 2023

The depravitity of Islamist incitement knows no limit. This is a cartoon going viral in Palestinian social media circles depicting a Palestinian family eating the head of one of the victims of the Palestinian terror attack in Jerusalem. pic.twitter.com/Z8h0Pbrgsw

— Brooke Goldstein (@GoldsteinBrooke) February 11, 2023

Brainwashed Palestinians celebrate Murder of an Israeli 6 year old little Boy as a man identified as Hussein Qaraqa rammed his car into the crowd at a bus stop in Jerusalem killing the lil kid & a 20 year old young man in the car-ramming terror attack#Israel pic.twitter.com/DUIV78EgXP

— Jyot Jeet (@activistjyot) February 10, 2023

“The scene was terrible when we arrived,” Magen David Adom first responder Shraga Rosenthal said. “We saw a vehicle near the bus stop that hit pedestrians that were waiting. We saw six victims near each other. Two of them were six-year-old children who were unconscious with severe multi-system injuries. A 27-year-old male and 30-year-old male were unconscious, and two further victims were conscious with limb injuries.”

The UN’s Mideast envoy Tor Wenessland responded that “such horrific attacks and their glorification are fueling an endless cycle of bloodshed and should be condemned by all. Leaders must act responsibly.”

In late January, a Palestinian terrorist murdered seven Jews outside a synagogue, including a newly-married couple attempting to help those who had already been shot.

The terrorist responsible for the massacre, the worst in Israel since 2011, was reportedly 21 years old. Among the dead were Natali and Eli Mizrahi, who were newly married; Natali was reportedly doing CPR on one of the victims when she was shot to death.

Noting that the terrorist “kills seven Israelis, including a newly-married couple helping the injured,” British interviewer Kay Burley asked Palestinian ambassador Husam Zomlot, “Shot outside a synagogue on Holocaust Memorial day. Do you condemn that?”

“Every life lost is absolutely a tragedy,” Zomlot deflected. “And no one works for a non-violent solution to this problem more than us.”

“Do you condemn it?” Burley pressed.

“No,” Zomlot stated bluntly.


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