Tim Scott Gives Two Reasons Why He Says Nikki Haley Should Drop Out Of Race

Tim Scott Gives Two Reasons Why He Says Nikki Haley Should Drop Out Of Race

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) said during an interview over the weekend that former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley should drop out of the Republican Party presidential primary because former President Donald Trump dominates news coverage and because poll numbers show that Trump has a dominant lead over her.

Scott made the remarks during a Sunday ABC News interview with Martha Raddatz on “This Week” when asked by Raddatz why he believes that Haley should drop out.

“Well, there’s two things for sure,” he said. “Number one, Donald Trump gets more earned media, probably a billion dollars already, because of who he is and what’s going on around him, number one.”

“Number two, I think he was outspent in Iowa and New Hampshire by his opponents,” he continued. “One thing we know for sure, as this race turns to South Carolina, that the enthusiasm in South Carolina for the former president has never been higher. I’ve seen polls that suggest he’s up by 20 points. I would make a prediction that he wins by more than 20 percent in South Carolina.”

He said that the writing has been “clear on the wall” for months that “Republicans, conservatives, and a lot of independents” want “four more years of Donald Trump.”

“I will say, one of the things I found to be surprising and positive is that amongst millennial voters, President Trump won 58 to 38,” Scott later responded. “It was a 20-point gap among young voters. Among women voters, in New Hampshire, where liberal, Democrats and independents voted in the Republican primary, President Trump beat Nikki Haley among women.”

“So, when I think about the fact – when I think about the fact that African Americans, at the highest level in my lifetime, is looking at a Republican over 20 percent, Hispanics over 40 percent,” he continued. “This is a good time to be running as a Republican.”


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