Trump ‘Workshopping’ Three More Derogatory Names For DeSantis, Digging Up ‘Dirt’ On His Wife Casey: Report

Trump ‘Workshopping’ Three More Derogatory Names For DeSantis, Digging Up ‘Dirt’ On His Wife Casey: Report

Former President Donald Trump is reportedly workshopping multiple new derogatory nicknames for Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis as the race for the White House begins to heat up.

Bloomberg News senior reporter Jennifer Jacobs tweeted a report — authored by Nancy Cook — which said that Trump is spending “much of his and his team’s time” on complaining about a lack of media coverage, what he claims was a stolen election, and trying to come up with new names for DeSantis, who is widely expected to enter the presidential race in the coming months.

Jacobs said that, according to Trump’s allies, the former president is considering trying to label DeSantis as “Ron DisHonest,” “Ron DeEstablishment,” or “Tiny D.”

The report added that Trump is trying to “dig up dirt” on DeSantis’ wife, recent breast cancer survivor Casey DeSantis, who has three children with the governor.

Some of the new nicknames Trump has entertained for his chief rival, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis: “Ron DisHonest.” “Ron DeEstablishment.” Or even, “Tiny D.”

His team has spent weeks trying to dig up dirt on DeSantis and his wife, Casey, @nancook reports

— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) March 4, 2023

Casey DeSantis’ recent victory over breast cancer received significant media attention.

“If you want to know who Ron DeSantis really is, when I was diagnosed with cancer, and I was facing the battle for my life, he was the dad who took care of my children when I couldn’t,” Casey DeSantis said.

“He was there to pick me off of the ground when I literally could not stand,” she added. “He was there to fight for me when I didn’t have the strength to fight for myself.”

I love you, Casey.

— Ron DeSantis (@RonDeSantisFL) October 10, 2022

Despite Trump’s repeated attacks on DeSantis, the governor has not responded in kind and has instead focused on delivering for the voters of his state.

DeSantis even said positive things about the former president in his top-selling new book “The Courage to Be Free: Florida’s Blueprint for America’s Revival,” saying that Trump “supported policies that appealed to the base in a way that GOP leaders in the DC swamp had been either incapable of doing or unwilling to do.”

When asked during a recent Fox News interview about Trump’s derogatory name calling, DeSantis shrugged off the attacks, saying that those kind of attacks come with the territory.

“And, you know, he can say what he wants about me, I’ll always give him credit for the things that he did that were positive,” DeSantis continued. “And I’m appreciative of a lot of the things that he did — doesn’t mean I agree with everything that he’s doing lately or whatever. But ultimately, it’s about delivering for the people you represent and delivering for the country.”


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