Trump Crushes Corpse Biden In Disaster Debate

Trump Crushes Corpse Biden In Disaster Debate

Thursday night was the first and probably only debate between Donald Trump, former President of the United States, and Joe Biden, the current President of the United States.

Before this debate, I said it was going to be one of the only debates in my lifetime that really, really mattered; it was going to be a turning point because there has been no new information added to this process for legitimately a year. It would go one way or the other.

The worst possible thing that could happen for Joe Biden was for him to show up on stage and fall apart.

And that is precisely what happened.

Trump was disciplined, gave the best debate performance of his career, and did it on a night when Biden assumed room temperature.

Joe Biden effectively died on the stage last night.

I don’t even mean that in terms of a figurative performance. I mean that he looked as though he was physically going to die on the stage. It was pretty horrifying on an emotional level to watch an 81-year-old man being trotted out by his team, the Democratic Party, and his family to be humiliated on national television in front of the whole world.

As an American, it was deeply depressing and disturbing because the most evil people around the world are looking at this and licking their chops. They believe they have a window between now and when Trump presumably takes office in January where they have to go ahead.

The world just became a much more dangerous place.

WATCH: The Ben Shapiro Show

The feeling everyone experienced when watching this was stunned disbelief, just absolute stunned disbelief. I think everybody thought, “Ok, they’ll shoot Biden full of some cocktail, and he’ll probably just make it through. It’ll probably be OK. And then the question will be about whether Trump is too volatile or blew right past the moderators or whatever.”

But Trump’s performance was outstanding. This was easily the best performance of his life. He kept himself contained. He kept himself restrained. He was pointed when he needed to be.

But this debate was not about Donald Trump. It was all about Joe Biden. And that is why this race is now all about Joe Biden.

The sheer panic breaking out among Democrats this morning is astonishing to watch. Nearly every major Democrat in the media, including public officials, are talking openly — not just behind closed doors — about whether they have the capacity to remove Biden from the ticket.

We are less than two months out from the Democratic National Convention. All the delegates have already been pledged. They would have to force Biden to either resign the office to Kamala Harris, declare that he is not going to run again, and thereby free up his delegates, or they would have to wrest it from him in some sort of coup.

And by the way, it really isn’t the Democratic National Committee; the DNC is all for optics. They have a somewhat fake DNC, a virtual convention, where they are going to ensure the nominee is nominated 40 days from now. There is no time for any of this.

The state of insane panic that is breaking out in the Democratic Party is amazing.

The conclusion after last night is that Trump absolutely crushed Biden because Biden is not alive. He is not with it. He is senile.

Which brings about another subject: The media are some of the most abject liars in modern history. We all knew this already. We knew this about COVID, Black Lives Matter, the 2016 election, and the 2020 election.

The legacy media should be ashamed of themselves. What the legacy media have done is humiliating and sick. They have spent three years declaring Biden is mentally fit, doing back handsprings, and reciting Virgil in Latin. They have declared Biden is definitely “with it.” They’ve been telling you not to believe your eyes, not to believe your ears, not to believe your brain, that the things that you are seeing are all fake; they’re just “cheap fakes.”

When clips surfaced of Biden wandering off into the woods, falling upstairs, or spacing out as he stared into the darkness like Simon and Garfunkel, they continued to proclaim that it was all fake. It was all in your minds, all in your brains, all in your head, because you were the crazy one.

After a Wall Street Journal article expressed concern over Biden having become “slower now,” a variety of Democratic commentators ran to praise Biden’s mental stability and fitness. A few include:

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough: “Start your tape right now because I’m about to tell you the truth. And eff you if you can’t handle the truth. This version of Biden is the best Biden ever. In fact, I think he’s better than he’s ever been.”

Democratic Rep. Dan Goldman: “President Biden has a photographic memory. His understanding and mastery of a complicated geopolitical situation, remarkable.”

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas: “He is sharp, intensely probing, and detail-oriented and focused.”

But during the presidential debate, we were all watching Biden fall apart in real time. And all these people had been telling us that we were crazy.

Abjectly destroyed by their own lies, they are now in a state of panic, not just because they think Trump is going to win or that it’s obvious to everyone that Joe Biden is senile.

They’re panicking because their own credibility just exploded into tiny bits of shrapnel last night.

All of which means the threat the media posed to the country is very real because it is clear someone else has, in fact, been running the country for the past several years. The person we saw on stage last night is not capable of running a country. He is not capable of walking to the bathroom.

Someone else has been running the country. It is not Joe Biden. It might be Jill Biden, Edith Wilson-style. Maybe it’s all the Obama holdovers.

Whoever it is, it is not Joe Biden. And you know who knows that?

All of America’s enemies. The world became so much more dangerous — regardless of the election — when the President of the United States performed like a befuddled Alzheimer’s patient at an early bird dinner at the nursing home.

Do you think Iran is more scared now or if Trump were president? Right now, Iran is going to accelerate the process of seeking a nuclear weapon dramatically before January. If China is thinking about blockading Taiwan, they’re going to do it before January. If Russia is considering a massive war move, they will do it before January because the President of the United States is non compos mentis, of unsound mind.

The media are actively seeking Biden to be removed from the ticket, which is insane. It is currently the end of June. Only July, August, September, and October remain. That’s it. There are four months until the election. And the people who are talking about removing the incumbent president and major party nominee from the ticket are not those of us on the Right; they are the people on the Left.

The rest of the world is looking. Our enemies are licking their chops. We are entering an exceptionally dangerous period in American history.

But Democrats won’t change course. They won’t change course because they’re ready to play. They’ve got the brake on the accelerator, but this sucker is headed for the cliff.


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