Trump Says He’d ‘Love’ To Have Elon Musk Lead New Proposed Government Commission

Trump Says He’d ‘Love’ To Have Elon Musk Lead New Proposed Government Commission

Former President Donald Trump said on Monday evening that he would “love” for Elon Musk — the owner of X and CEO of Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, and The Boring Company — to work on a new government commission dedicated to eliminating wasteful government spending.

Trump made the remark during a conversation with Musk on X Spaces while the two were discussing the root cause of inflation and how to solve the problem.

“Inflation comes from government overspending, because the checks never bounce when it’s written by the government,” Musk said. “So if the government spends far more than it brings in, that increases the money supply, and if the money supply increases faster than the rate of goods and services, that’s inflation.”

Musk, highlighting the need to reduce spending, then proposed a Government Efficiency Commission that would evaluate all of the government’s spending and cut out spending that was not sensible so that the government can get back to living within its means.

“We’re currently adding, I think, a trillion dollars to the deficit every roughly every 100 days,” Musk said. “And you know, the interest payments on the national debt have now exceeded the defense budget.”

A few minutes later, Musk asked Trump if he agreed that it was time to create a Government Efficiency Commission to eliminate wasteful spending, to which Trump responded, “yes.”

“I think it would be great to just have a Government Efficiency Commission that takes a look at these things and just ensures that the taxpayer money, the taxpayer’s hard earned money, is spent in a good way,” Musk added a few moments later. “And I’d be happy to help out on such a commission if it were formed.”

“I’d love it,” Trump responded. “You’re the greatest cutter.”


Elon Musk tells Trump that he would like to work on a Government Efficiency Commission to cut out wasteful government spending that is driving inflation.

Trump responds by saying, “I’d love it” and calls Musk “the greatest cutter” of inefficiencies inside organizations.

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) August 13, 2024


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