We Are A Nation Run By Imbeciles

We Are A Nation Run By Imbeciles

At first I thought I might not comment on this issue at all. Everything that needs to be said about it has already been said. And there wasn’t much that needed to be said in the first place, to be honest. But then I realized this show carries a certain responsibility. It is my solemn duty, I know, to single out and mock the dumbest human beings in the country. And this duty becomes all the more sacred, all the more essential, when you consider that the dumbest human beings in the country are often the ones running it. Human beings like Kamala Harris, for example, who is a programmed robot with no authentic opinions or personality of her own. But the worst kind of programmed robot — a stupid one.

Kamala isn’t the focus today, but since we’re on the subject I feel compelled to mention this video. It’s a supercut put together by the Twitter account RNC Research where we see how Kamala repeats the same line over and over again. And this isn’t a good line, or even vaguely coherent one. But she really, really likes it. Watch: 

Kamala Harris — second in line to the presidency — is “unburdened” by competence.pic.twitter.com/3XKC7hJXW5

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 1, 2023

I don’t know if you caught that, but she’s saying that we should focus on, “What can be, unburdened by what has been.” I repeat: “What can be, unburdened by what has been.” Did you hear it yet? It’s very important that you hear this line, which is why Kamala says it to literally every audience she speaks to. And by the way, that montage goes on and on.

We can even leave aside the fact that the sentiment she’s expressing is actually incorrect. You can’t reach your full potential or focus on what can be if you are, as she says, unburdened by what has been. That’s because you must carry the burdens of what has been, you must be aware of the past and its lessons, or you will just repeat what has been over and over again until you die. But that’s not even the point. The point is that someone on Kamala’s team told her that this line is brilliantly profound and amazing, and she took that feedback to heart to such an extent that she works it into every conversation. She probably finds a way to drop that line when she’s giving her order in the Starbucks drive thru: “Yes, hi, I normally get a venti mocha cappuccino but I am trying today to remain focused on what can be, unburdened by what has been, so I’d like a grande Americano with cream, please. Thank you.”

WATCH: The Matt Walsh Show

What I’m trying to say is that our country is run by some fantastically idiotic people. And yet even if you were already aware of that fact, and even if your faith in the intelligence and competence of the ruling class was already as low as you thought it could possibly go, you still were not prepared for this weekend and the saga of congressman Jamaal Bowman and the fire alarm.

On Saturday, as you’ve probably heard by now, congressman Jamaal Bowman pulled a fire alarm in the House Cannon office building at a time when the Democrats were trying to delay a vote on a GOP stopgap spending bill. The fire alarm led to an evacuation and a full response by emergency and law enforcement personnel. We know that this happened — and who was responsible — because security cameras caught Bowman pulling the alarm. We have him dead to rights, you would think. And you would also think that his motivation — however stupid — was obvious. He wanted to delay the vote. Very, very dumb, and an open and shut case. You would think.

But Jamaal Bowman has a different narrative, and it’s one that, unsurprisingly, the media and his fellow Democrats were quick to accept without skepticism, as Gospel. Later that day, Bowman put out this statement: 

“I want to personally clear up confusion surrounding today’s events. Today, as I was rushing to make a vote, I came to a door that is usually open for votes but today would not open. I am embarrassed to admit that I activated the fire alarm, mistakenly thinking it would open the door. I regret this and sincerely apologize for any confusion this caused. But I want to be very clear, this was not me, in any way, trying to delay any vote. It was the exact opposite – I was trying urgently to get to a vote, which I ultimately did and joined my colleagues in a bipartisan effort to keep our government open. I also met after the vote with the Sergeant at Arms and the Capitol Police, at their request, and explained what had happened. My hope is that no one will make more of this than it was. I am working hard every day, including today, to do my job, to do it well, and deliver for my constituents.”

So, he vigorously denies that he was trying to disrupt official proceedings. Of course he denies it, as that would be a criminal charge and expulsion from congress. It would be January 6th all over again — it would be an attack on our country worse than 9-11 and Pearl Harbor combined. Instead he claims that he was perplexed by the door — an emergency exit — and he pulled the fire alarm to open it. Several media members and other establishment figures were quick to defend him on social media, claiming that the door, and the signage around the door, was “confusing.” Just a couple of examples of this narrative being pushed should suffice. Here’s political commentator Matt Bruenig on Twitter:

“Bowman was trying to walk from the Cannon building to the Capitol building to vote. Unusually, the Cannon exit he went to wouldn’t open and had this confusing sign on it. He thought it was saying you had to press the alarm to get out. This all makes sense. What am I missing?”

Bowman was trying to walk from the Cannon building to the Capitol building to vote. Unusually, the Cannon exit he went to wouldn't open and had this confusing sign on it. He thought it was saying you had to press the alarm to get out. This all makes sense. What am I missing? pic.twitter.com/qTfHIHYF7m

— Matt Bruenig (@MattBruenig) October 1, 2023


The “confusing” sign says: “Emergency exit only. Push until alarm sounds. Three seconds. Door unlock in 30 seconds.”

Someone else named Armand Domalewski commented on the sign, saying “Okay this sign is genuinely confusing.” To that MSNBC anchor Chris Hayes responded “It sure is!” There was a lot of this kind of thing. Members of the media proclaiming that the door and the sign were downright perplexing. A mystery wrapped in an enigma. Like trying to decipher an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic. 

Now, you should know that, as Breitbart reports, Bowman actually took down that sign, threw it to the side, then pulled the alarm and ran to an entirely different door and left. So when the media tells us that his excuse makes sense, they’re telling us that’s what makes sense. It makes sense that a grown adult man would walk up to an emergency exit, and in an effort to leave the building, tear down the sign, pull the fire alarm, and run the opposite way. This, the media says, is a sensible strategy for exiting a building. It makes sense that a grown human adult would react to an emergency exit that way. After all, the sign was “confusing.” 

That’s true. I mean, the sign only says that it’s an emergency exit and you need to push down on the door handle until the alarm sounds. This may mean that it’s an emergency exit and you need to push down on the door handle until the alarm sounds; or it may mean that you should walk to the opposing wall and pull the fire alarm and then run away; or it may mean that you do cartwheels down the hallway; or it may mean that you should stand on your head and sing the 90s hit “Tubthumping.” It may mean anything. Who’s to say? It’s impossible to know. The sign is indecipherable — that is, if you are illiterate, and if you’ve never encountered an emergency exit or a fire alarm before.

But almost every adult has, which is why, in your entire time existing on this planet, you have never once heard of anyone, ever, anywhere, pulling a fire alarm in order to open a door. You have never considered doing that yourself. You’ve never heard of anyone doing it or considering it. You’ve never been walking with a friend and come across a fire alarm and had your friend turn to you and say, “Is this what we press to open the door?” Nobody has ever said that to you. Nobody has ever asked you that. And if they did, you would look at them in stunned disbelief. You might actually start to weep, as their stupidity would be at such a level that it would be downright tragic to behold. It would be like seeing a grown man walking around in velcro shoes because he doesn’t know how to tie his shoelaces. It’s dumbness so dumb that you can’t even laugh at it. It just makes you sad, if anything. Well, I’ll still laugh at it. But nicer people won’t.

And to be clear: this is Jamaal Bowman’s defense. His defense is that he’s a bewildered dunce who becomes confused and hysterical at the sight of a door. His defense is that he has the IQ of a hermit crab. It’s a defense so humiliating and disqualifying that even if it was true, he would be better off lying and saying that it was an intentional criminal act. I would rather be seen as a clumsy criminal than a guy with the mental capacity of an amoeba. And here’s the thing: whichever is true, either way, Jamaal Bowman is unfit to serve. Either he tried to disrupt a congressional proceeding by staging a false emergency, or he’s an incompetent half-wit who doesn’t know how fire alarms work. It’s one or the other. Frankly, I don’t care which one — though I strongly suspect there’s a bit of both mixed in. Whatever the explanation, he should be kicked out of office.

He is just another in a large crowd of people in DC who run our country, and make decisions that deeply impact all of our lives, and yet are both morally and intellectually bankrupt. These are the kinds of people who are always there to preside over the collapse of empires. People whose moral character is in a constant game of limbo against their intelligence, competing over who can sink the lowest. These are our leaders. People who can’t even open a door. God bless America. We’re going to need it.



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