Why Did Biden’s CIA Director Meet With Jeffrey Epstein After His Conviction?

Why Did Biden’s CIA Director Meet With Jeffrey Epstein After His Conviction?

Maybe once the White House Correspondents’ Association sleeps off its hangover from Saturday night’s soiree, one of its members can ask the Biden administration why current CIA director William Burns met with the late uber creep Jeffrey Epstein even after his 2008 conviction.

On Sunday, The Wall Street Journal reported that Burns met with Epstein three times in 2014. The international sleazebag of mystery pleaded guilty in 2008 to procuring for prostitution a minor. Epstein, of course, received a sweetheart prison sentence in exchange for his plea. Everybody in America knew who this monster was in 2014.

Well, almost everybody knew who Epstein was, if Burns’ alibi is to be believed.

From 2011 to 2014, Burns was the United States Deputy Secretary of State. He served under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama.  Now, a spokesperson for the public servant told The Journal that he had no idea who Epstein was during that time.

CIA spokeswoman Tammy Kupperman Thorp said in a statement to the paper, “The director did not know anything about him, other than that he was introduced as an expert in the financial services sector and offered general advice on transition to the private sector. They had no relationship.”

That doesn’t exactly exude much confidence in Burns’ competence. What sort of high-ranking government official has several meetings — once in D.C.  and twice in Epstein’s New York City townhome — without running a background check on the individuals accompanying them?

Of course, rumors and conspiracy theories have long suggested that Epstein was secretly working for either the CIA itself or a foreign intelligence agency. There has been no concrete proof of that, but there hasn’t really been any solid explanation for what exactly Epstein did — and how he was able to run his “business” of pimping out underage girls to prominent individuals from around the globe for so long.

Burns, who was confirmed to the CIA in March 2021, should have to explain why he was really meeting Epstein in 2014.

Surely the lapdog media will get to the bottom of this, right? After all, they promise to “speak truth to power” on a daily basis.

We’ll hold our breath on that actually happening.

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.


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