‘Feels Like A Horror Movie’: Viral Video Of Americans Standing For Anthem In Restaurant Freaks Out Foreigners, Leftists

‘Feels Like A Horror Movie’: Viral Video Of Americans Standing For Anthem In Restaurant Freaks Out Foreigners, Leftists

A viral TikTok video of Americans at a Southern California restaurant standing up during the restaurant’s daily playing of the national anthem catalyzed some apparent foreigners and leftists to freak out on social media.

The Rainbow Oaks Restaurant in Fallbrook, California, located roughly 50 miles northeast of San Diego, has played the Star Spangled Banner on its television every day at noon for six years. A 14-second TikTok video from an account titled “Paulina” showing patrons standing with their hands on their hearts elicited supposed shock from “Paulina” and other social media users.

“By far the most dangerous situation I’ve ever been in,” the account wrote, using the hashtags “godblessamerica,” “getout,” “illegal,” and “whitepeoplethings.”

Comments left on the video included: “Serious question, Is this real? Like people actually do this in real everyday life,” “I want to go to America to experience the insanity so badly,” “America is so scary you would never see this in the UK,” “In Spain we don’t hear the national anthem that much. So this would freak me out so much,” “This happened when i was at mission bbq once and it was so awkward that i haven’t been back since,” “As someone from the uk this feels so dystopian,” “This feels like a horror movie,” “As a Canadian this is kind of insane,” “I would be scared for my life,” and “I swear I’d burst out laughing if it wasn’t so scary.”

Some comments below the video had quite a different reaction.

“Wonderful! If I’m ever in that locality, I’ll make sure I stop by and eat something there. I’m an immigrant to the wonderful USA and I love this country. For all those that feel “scared” or “terrified” by this act of patriotism, I invite you to leave the USA and go live somewhere else! Viva the USA!!!!!!” one person said.

“For all of the people who do not understand this. It isn’t about declaring loyalty to the government or military. It is about showing love to a certain culture and community, one we are losing every day. It is about loving your neighbor and your ancestors and honoring the sacrifices made at all levels,” another added.

One person said that they would be intentionally visiting the restaurant to support, while other comments included: “Love it! Beautiful show of patriotism,” “Great food and yes very patriotic. The staff treats everyone very well. Breakfast there is one of the best in North County,” and “Love this. Would like to see more restaurants do it.”


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