‘Hell On Earth’: Reporter Says Massacre From Inside Kibbutz ‘Most Horrific Thing I Have Ever Seen’

‘Hell On Earth’: Reporter Says Massacre From Inside Kibbutz ‘Most Horrific Thing I Have Ever Seen’

Fox News foreign correspondent Trey Yingst gave viewers a live look at the horrific scenes left behind in Kibbutz Be’eri on Wednesday after Palestinian terrorists slaughtered entire families there just a few days ago.

The location, just across the border from Gaza, was overrun by terrorists from Hamas, a Palestinian Islamic terror group that is heavily backed by the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The most recent numbers from the Saturday attack place the number of Israelis who were murdered at well over 1,200 with approximately 3,000 injured. At least 22 Americans were killed and 17 more were still unaccounted for as of Wednesday afternoon. Israel has terminated at least 1,500 terrorists inside of its own borders.

Yingt said that the scene inside the kibbutz was “the most horrific thing I have ever seen.”

“You could smell the stench of death in the air,” he said. “There is a large pile of bodies stacked up outside of the kibbutz. These are the bodies of militants that they’ve collected around the back of this house down the street a little bit. We saw about eight bodies in body bags of the local residents who were here.”

Yingst said that Israeli military officials said that people inside the kibbutz were “slaughtered in their beds” and that people were “decapitated here, people with their hands tied behind their backs and shot, executed.”

“There are beds soaked with blood on the floor of that kitchen,” he said. “And there are weapons laying everywhere from those militants. You can see some of their vehicles just outside. It is a house of horror behind me. And the entire neighborhood looks like this. To give you a quick number about how many people live here, there are a thousand residents that were living in Kibbutz Beri before this horrific terror attack on Saturday morning. More than 100 of them were killed, many children among the dead.”

“Hamas and Islamic Jihad members who stormed into Israel,” he said. “And that is the hardest thing to understand about all of this. They came into this community and they slaughtered children. There are bodies of civilians just off in the distance here that we saw. I’m going to toss it back to you, though. We do need to get out of here. It’s not the best place to be after dark, but I wanted to make sure you could see the hell on Earth here.”


WATCH: Fox News's @TreyYingst documents Hamas's massacre of Israelis.

The floors are covered in blood.

Yingst describes the "hell on earth."

Says one can "smell the stench of death in the air." pic.twitter.com/SegRQIcg1k

— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) October 11, 2023


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