‘Incredibly Disturbing’: Musk Weighs In Again On Matt Walsh’s Shocking Investigation Of Trans Surgeries

‘Incredibly Disturbing’: Musk Weighs In Again On Matt Walsh’s Shocking Investigation Of Trans Surgeries

Twitter owner Elon Musk was disturbed by Matt Walsh’s undercover investigation into trans health care providers, replying to the Daily Wire host’s Twitter thread twice on Wednesday.

In an undercover investigation, Walsh and his team found that Plume and Folx, two of the largest transgender health care providers in the U.S., appear to be rubber-stamping approvals for life-altering sex-change operations — and allegedly even falsely representing health information about patients — so insurance companies will cover the medical expenses.

During the investigation, Walsh and his team discovered how easy it is to get approved for sex-change surgery when one of the host’s producers got a thumbs up for an orchiectomy — a procedure to remove testicles — after just a 22-minute virtual appointment with Plume, the largest transgender health care provider in the U.S.

“Incredibly disturbing thread,” Musk said. 

Incredibly disturbing thread

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 8, 2023

A few hours before that comment, Musk replied to Walsh’s thread with one word: “Insane!!”

Walsh’s producer Gregg Re got scheduled for a video call with Plume after providing a fake name on an intake form. Re made it clear that he had not been experiencing gender dysphoria for six months or more, he mispronounced the name of the surgery he wanted, and he said he didn’t know what effect the surgery would have on him. Yet, Plume’s nurse practitioner told Re “she wanted to write the most ‘solid’ letter possible to justify surgery,” Walsh explained.

Three days later, Plume sent a letter to Re, who said his name was “Chelsea Bussey,” saying Re was experiencing “significant, ongoing gender dysphoria” — despite “Bussey” stating unequivocally that this was not the case — and recommending “Chelsea” for testicle removal. Walsh said that in a text message to Re, Plume explained that the letters of recommendation are sent using a template based on standards provided by the radical World Professional Association for Transgender Health, also known as WPATH. Plume sells letters of recommendation for $150 to those seeking transgender surgeries.

Musk is making it a habit to engage with Walsh’s work that points out the dangers of sex-change procedures. Last week, the SpaceX and Tesla CEO responded after his platform canceled a deal to stream Walsh’s groundbreaking documentary “What is a Woman?” and retweeted the film to his 140 million followers.


“Every parent should watch this,” Musk said of “What is a Woman?”

Every parent should watch this https://t.co/pIp6UP6vq8

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 2, 2023


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