‘Invisible Boogeyman Of Systematic Racism’: Black Mom Shreds Minnesota ‘Ethnic Studies’ Bill, Slams Woke Nonsense

‘Invisible Boogeyman Of Systematic Racism’: Black Mom Shreds Minnesota ‘Ethnic Studies’ Bill, Slams Woke Nonsense

Venerable Bishop Fulton Sheen once said, “To a great extent the level of any civilization is the level of its womanhood.”  Using that metric, if America has even a handful of women even remotely close to the caliber of Minnesota mother Kofi Montzka, then we’re doing just all right.

Earlier this week, Monztka took a sledgehammer to Critical Race Theory-inspired education a la “Ethnic Studies” courses that Democrats in The Gopher State want to mandate starting in kindergarten.

Montzka is a volunteer with Take Charge Minnesota, an “organization committed to supporting the notion that the idea of America works for everyone regardless of race and station in life.” She is also an excellent communicator of why the Democrats’ so-called anti-racism crusade is bad for all students — regardless of their skin color — and the country as a whole.

“This bill requires that schools teach ethnic studies starting in kindergarten, and I am against this,” she said on Tuesday. “You might ask, ‘Why in the world would a black person speak against ethnic studies?’ Because not everything that sounds good is good.”

Black mother denounces ethnic studies curriculum in Minnesota: "I see why you white proponents of this bill might support it. It's not your kids being told they can't succeed and you get to shed some of your white guilt in the process."pic.twitter.com/Ktkc7RFMes

— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) March 25, 2023

Monztka then drilled down exactly how the bill is racially discriminatory while wrongfully indoctrinating a sense of inferiority amongst minorities while telling them they are “stuck in a caste system.”

“I’m sick of everyone denying the enormous progress we’ve made in this country, acting like it’s 1930,” she continued.

Monztka also compared the class to Jim Crow.


“This curriculum will not help kids of color succeed. All it does is remove any reason to try,” she said.

“This is not some theoretical crap,” she continued before giving a real-world example where her children’s high school band teacher “took 20 minutes at the beginning of class to talk about anti-racism. He told the kids to look around and then he said the black boys in the school would likely not live to retirement because of racism and the police.”

Montzka wasn’t done. She directly called out the white leftist adults pushing this “hopelessness” onto children.

“I can see why you white proponents of this bill might support it,” she said. “It’s not your kids being told that they can’t succeed and you get to shed some of your white guilt in the process, but you legislators of color — how can you?”

Montzka argued that they all succeeded “despite the invisible Boogeyman of systematic racism” and were voted in by “a majority of white people” to hold “some of the most powerful positions in this state.”

The woman was praised endlessly on social media for her comments.

In response, DailyWire+ host Dr. Jordan B. Peterson tweeted, “The reason the curriculum ‘removes any reason to try’ is because the point of the curriculum is to deny the utility of trying.”

“This is precisely how unconscientious people rationalize their parasitism,” he added. “And cloak that rationalization in the guise of moral virtue.”

Black mother denounces ethnic studies curriculum in Minnesota: "I see why you white proponents of this bill might support it. It's not your kids being told they can't succeed and you get to shed some of your white guilt in the process."pic.twitter.com/Ktkc7RFMes

— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) March 25, 2023

It’s rare that something is must-watch, but Montzka’s statements fit that description.

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.


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