‘I’m Not Scared’: Libs Of TikTok Creator Chaya Raichik Shares Why She Decided To Reveal Her Identity

‘I’m Not Scared’: Libs Of TikTok Creator Chaya Raichik Shares Why She Decided To Reveal Her Identity

Chaya Raichik, the person behind the popular Twitter account Libs of TikTok, explained her reasons for revealing her face after staying anonymous for so long.

Raichik has been hated by the left ever since starting the social media account. She was doxxed by Washington Post journalist Taylor Lorenz several months ago, but this week Raichik decided to reveal her face during an interview with Tucker Carlson.

The social media powerhouse said that when the account first started getting attention, she was “relieved” to be anonymous. “…the Left was brazen with their threats of violence against people they disagree with, including me,” she shared in a Substack update.

Ultimately, Raichik said her decision to become a public figure is rooted in her mission to protect children and expose the dangerous leftist agenda. 

“Staying behind a screen and restricted to 240 characters on Twitter just isn’t enough anymore to counteract the rampant issues with the Left’s agenda in America,” she told her fans. “It’s not an easy thing to reveal your face to millions of people, especially considering the number of death threats I receive.”

The Libs of TikTok creator also said revealing her face is a “big middle finger” to critics, including journalists, who mocked her for being fearful. 

“I’m not hiding, and I’m not scared of whatever they try to throw at me to stop me from exposing them,” she wrote.

Raichik explained that she’ll be “more effective out in the open, teaching others how they can make a difference in this cultural war,” where she plans to continue fighting the “deep, dark, and systemic … targeting of our children.”

During a previous interview with The Daily Wire, Raichik said she never intended her Twitter account to go viral.

“People think that I started this and I had this whole plan and I wanted to harass people on the Left,” she said in April. “[They think] I had this whole agenda … I was just having fun.”

But as time went on, it quickly became apparent that Raichik had stumbled into a dark web of information that wasn’t funny at all. 

She said leftists hate her account because it shows them who they really are and what they’re fighting for. “You’re holding up a mirror,” told The Daily Wire about the backlash. “I think they feel threatened.”

The Libs of TikTok influencer has been getting death threats all along and expects them to continue. However, she sees herself as part of the fight and is willing to take that risk if it means being part of the mission. 


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