‘Time To #StandWithTexas’: Ben Shapiro Sounds Off On Border Crisis, Rips Biden

‘Time To #StandWithTexas’: Ben Shapiro Sounds Off On Border Crisis, Rips Biden

Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro on Thursday ripped into President Joe Biden for “abandoning his duty” at our southern border, and said it was time to “stand with Texas” as the state’s Republican governor battles the administration over the crisis.

Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) issued a fiery statement on Thursday about his state having the “constitutional right to self-defense” in the face of the Biden administration refusing to enforce federal immigration laws. Notably, Abbott said Wednesday that he will continue to add razor wire to the Texas/Mexico border as Biden’s U.S. Border Patrol agents are permitted, and apparently directly, to cut down the wire.

“Joe Biden has abandoned his duty as president,” Shapiro posted Wednesday evening, captioning Abbott’s statement. “He has singlehandedly caused this massive crisis on our border by refusing to enforce the laws on the books, all for political gain.”

“He has created an unprecedented wave of illegal migration — 6 million people coming into the country over three years, a killing wave of fentanyl, all of it run by the drug cartels in control of the border,” the conservative added. “This is the inevitable result.”

Joe Biden has abandoned his duty as president. He has singlehandedly caused this massive crisis on our border by refusing to enforce the laws on the books, all for political gain. He has created an unprecedented wave of illegal migration — 6 million people coming into the… https://t.co/Y4GaXzPhrt

— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) January 25, 2024

Shapiro also made it clear that President Biden could significantly slow the border crisis on his own.

“The law enforcement authority is already on the books,” he wrote. “In fact, it is absolutely disgusting that the executive branch has decided to simply avoid enforcing the law — and has instead mobilized CBP to act as a bussing and administrative service for mass illegal immigration.”

Correct. The law enforcement authority is already on the books. In fact, it is absolutely disgusting that the executive branch has decided to simply avoid enforcing the law — and has instead mobilized CBP to act as a bussing and administrative service for mass illegal… https://t.co/o57YQQVGwz

— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) January 25, 2024

“Time to #StandWithTexas,” Shapiro asserted on Thursday, listing off all 25 GOP governors who have sided with Texas.

“This is 25 total, all Republicans,” he wrote. “The only Republican governor who has not expressed support for Governor Abbot and TX is Gov. Phil Scott in Vermont.”

Time to #StandWithTexas.

Here are the governors who have so far:

✅DeSantis (FL)
✅ Lee (TN)
✅ Youngkin (VA)
✅ Kemp (GA)
✅ Ivey (AL)
✅ Noem (SD)
✅ Gianforte (MT)
✅ Little (ID)
✅ Cox (UT)
✅ Justice (WV)
✅ Stitt (OK)
✅ Pillen (NE)
✅ Landry…

— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) January 25, 2024

✅ Reynolds (IA)
✅ Gordon (WY)
✅ Dunleavy (AK)
✅ Holcomb (IN)
✅ Reeves (MS)
✅ Parson (MO)
✅ Lombardo (NV)
✅ Sununu (NH)
✅ DeWine (OH)
✅ McMaster (SC)

This is 25 total, all Republicans. The only Republican governor who has not expressed support for Governor Abbot and TX…

— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) January 25, 2024

The crisis at the border and the flow of migrants into the United States has become a top issue for Americans across the nation, not just those in border states. Addressing the issue more directly than ever before, Abbott signed three bills into law in December to effectively take the border crisis into his state’s hands, saying he had no other choice than to act as the feds permit the crisis to continue. In response, the federal government promised to sue, arguing that immigration is a federal, not state issue.

Shapiro traveled to one of the highest-trafficked points of the U.S. southern border to investigate the full story of Biden’s border crisis, and posted a video Thursday to document his findings. As the first episode of a new series, “The Divided States Of Biden,” it showcases what the “most destructive immigration policy in history” has created at the border.

I went to our southern border. It’s wide open. The drug cartels are in control. Here’s what we saw.

Joe Biden’s America is broken. pic.twitter.com/IwZ62CUMF7

— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) January 25, 2024

This week, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 to lift an injunction against U.S. Border Patrol agents cutting through razor wire the governor had placed along the border to try to deter illegals from crossing into Texas. The decision came after Abbott sued the Biden administration last year to stop the cutting of the wire.

On Wednesday, Abbott said he would continue to administer the wire along the border. This prompted some Democrats to accuse Abbott of defying the Supreme Court. Shapiro addressed this, too.

“No he is not,” Shapiro said. “The Supreme Court ruled that the federal government could not be enjoined from cutting the razor wire, not that Texas had done something illegal in erecting the razor wire.”

No he is not. The Supreme Court ruled that the federal government could not be enjoined from cutting the razor wire, not that Texas had done something illegal in erecting the razor wire. As always, Beto has no idea what he's talking about. https://t.co/UreTyqGv4G

— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) January 25, 2024

Related: Democrats Call On Biden To Seize Control Of Texas National Guard From Abbott


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