‘Unthinkable’: GOP’s Entire Texas Delegation In Congress Asks State Officials To Investigate Colony Ridge

‘Unthinkable’: GOP’s Entire Texas Delegation In Congress Asks State Officials To Investigate Colony Ridge

All 25 Republican U.S. congressmen representing Texas are raising the alarm to state officials about Colony Ridge, calling on Governor Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton to take immediate action on the housing development just outside of Houston that many believe has become a settlement for thousands of illegal aliens.

The letter, which was led by Representative Brian Babin and co-signed by the state’s entire Republican delegation, tells the officials that, based on the concerns raised by constituents about the development, it is “unthinkable that such an enormous settlement would be allowed to persist in Texas.”

“If even a fraction of the above claims are accurate, it is unthinkable that such an enormous settlement would be allowed to persist in Texas, much less expand to over double in size over the next decade,” the letter states. “We believe it is incumbent on state and local officials to respond appropriately to mitigate the effects on our citizens, their way of life, and their safety.”

The letter follows an investigation from The Daily Wire on Colony Ridge, which highlighted potential cartel presence in the area, Colony Ridge’s marketing, which appears to be targeted at foreign nationals who are in the country illegally, and the developer’s financial connections with prominent government officials. Several Republicans have since called on the state to investigate the development, and Abbott has indicated that it will be on the agenda when the state legislature convenes later this month for an emergency session. 

“Just north of Houston, an expansion to the massive residential development of Colony Ridge is being undertaken,” the letter states, adding that the developer “markets owner-financed lots with no credit checks or proof of legal residency, making the location an optimal haven for illegal aliens amid a historic border crisis.”

“Due to safety concerns and adverse effects on their way of life, Texas constituents have reached out to Members of Congress about the situation,” it reads, also noting that the development “reportedly has up to 75,000 residents.” The letter goes on to assert that “to date, local attempts to remediate these issues have been unsuccessful.”

READ MORE: Inside Colony Ridge: The ‘Fastest Growing Development’ In The U.S. Is A Magnet For Illegal Immigrants

The Republican congressmen say that Colony Ridge appears to have “doubled the size of the original neighborhood and appears poised for additional expansion,” going on to cite reports that point to a lack of “safety infrastructure” such as fire hydrants. The congressmen also highlight “concerning living conditions,” including “improvised housing” and issues with “water, power, and flooding issues.”

“State and local law enforcement officials have reported increases in violent crime throughout the county since new residents, many unlawfully present, have moved into the area, including several high profile murders, the largest drug bust in the history of Liberty County, and continuous drug cartel activity,” the letter goes on to read. 

“According to these same claims, state and local law-enforcement treat this area as an effective, ‘no-go zone,’ further heightening the appeal for illegal activity in this development.” The letter also addresses “negative impacts on the local school system,” explaining that its rapid growth is largely “due to the thousands of illegal aliens flocking to Colony Ridge.”

But in addition to issues regarding crime, an overburdened school system, and a surge in the illegal immigrant population in the area, the letter goes on to point to a burden on local infrastructure, citing a report from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality that found Colony Ridge responsible for “48,000 gallons of wastewater contaminating local bayous and significant fecal coliform contamination of drainage ditches.”

The congressmen say Attorney General Paxton should “thoroughly investigate the land purchasing, use, tax status, and other authorizations relating to Colony Ridge and its affiliate entities.” The letter applauds Governor Abbott for announcing his plan to call a special legislative session to address Colony Ridge, noting that “it is our view that any new state laws created to address these concerns should be applied and upheld in Colony Ridge and the surrounding area.”

Though the members call for new state laws, they say they realize federal action may be required as well.

“Keeping us apprised of development and sharing the results of your investigations with us will be a vital tool in our continued efforts to combat what is happening in Colony Ridge —  and illegal immigration at large — at the federal level,” the letter says. “Texans are counting on you, and we stand ready to assist in this endeavor.”


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