UK Police Chief Suggests He Would Arrest Americans For Highlighting British Riots Online

A British police commissioner suggested he was willing to arrest Elon Musk, who is a U.S. citizen, for highlighting the extreme acts of violence and riots committed by Muslim gangs in England in online posts on his platform X.

“We will throw the full force of the law at people,” British Met Police Commissioner Mark Rowley said during a recent interview. “And whether you’re in this country committing crimes on the streets or committing crimes from further afield online, we will come after you.”

Rowley’s remarks come amid ongoing protests and riots in the United Kingdom in response to the killing of three young girls during a mass-stabbing attack that left several more injured.

A reporter asked Rowley about “high profile figures” who were allegedly “whipping up the hatred” that he was claiming was happening online.

“I’m even thinking of the likes of Elon Musk getting involved,” the reporter said. “What are you considering when it comes to dealing with people who are whipping up this kind of behavior from behind a keyboard and maybe in a different country?”

“Being a keyboard warrior does not make you safe from the law,” Rowley responded.

“You can be guilty of offenses of, of incitement, of stirring up racial hatred. There are numerous terrorist offenses regarding the sort of publishing of material. All of those offenses are in play if people are provoking hatred and violence on the streets, and we will come after those individuals, just as we will physically confront on the streets the thugs and the yobs who are taking, who are causing the problems for communities.”

Right-wing protesters responded to the mass-stabbing incident by expressing outrage over rates of Muslim immigration to the United Kingdom, and the suspected terrorists who have entered the country.

Large Muslim gangs responded to the protests by marching around with weapons, rioting, and attacking people.



WATCH: Met police chief threatens @elonmusk: “We will throw the full force of the law at people. … [if you’re] committing crimes from further afield online, we will come after you. … being a keyboard warrior does not make you safe from the law…”

— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) August 9, 2024

Rowley grabbed a journalist’s microphone this week and threw it on the ground after he was asked if he was going to end his obvious two-tiered policing system in which police were seemingly only holding right-wing protesters accountable for their actions and not the Islamic extremists.

The thinned-skinned Met Police Commissioner, Sir Mark Rowley, was asked “Are you going to end two-tier policing?"

He then grabs a journalist's microphone. It’s a fair question, and he damaged someone else’s property.

He’s beyond unfit for his role and should be gone by now.

— Chris Rose (@ArchRose90) August 5, 2024

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, an activist and a former Muslim who is now Christian, highlighted the actions of the “Muslim Defence League” in a post on X, saying that it’s “a group of loosely organized young Muslim men have been parading around their towns armed with weapons in response to what they perceive as a threat to Muslim communities. They have largely been goaded on by the rhetoric of senior politicians such as Sir Keir Starmer.”

She noted that there has been no press conference to talk about the threat of “‘far-right’ Muslim gangs – young men walking around their towns with machetes and pipes. In fact, videos have emerged of police in Stoke encouraging Muslim men to discard their knifes at the mosque.”

“In organizing an amnesty for this group, in these terms, the police essentially treat Muslims as a separate community over whom legitimate authority lies in the Mosque, not the state. They might be accused of policing along sectarian lines,” she added. “This has culminated in a sense, amongst Britons, that there is a two-tiered application of policing. That minority ‘communities’ are treated with kid gloves in comparison to native Britons. The moniker ‘Two-Tier Keir’ has latched itself onto the man who has only been Prime Minister for a month.”

The Daily Wire Addresses The Ad Industry Following The Fall Of GARM

The following is the text of a letter sent by The Daily Wire to advertising industry professionals following the decision by the World Federation of Advertisers to discontinue the Global Alliance of Responsible Media. It follows a letter sent last month that highlighted an investigation into the Global Alliance of Responsible media by the House Judiciary committee. A PDF of the Friday letter can be viewed here.

Second Open Letter to our Advertising Industry Colleagues

Re:  GARM “Discontinuing” Operations


Dear Colleague,

The World Federation of Advertisers (“WFA”) has decided to discontinue the Global Alliance of Responsible Media (“GARM”), which was established in 2019 under the leadership of Rob Rakowitz.

This development highlights the need to address GARM’s legacy of coercively distorting advertising relationships in the name of “brand safety.” Mr. Rakowitz’s core position was that consumer signals demanded brands stay away from what GARM deemed to be unsafe content. To the contrary, the data clearly suggests that GARM and Mr. Rakowitz’s position on brand safety was not backed by research.

Moreover, GARM’s apparent willingness to use its Brand Safety Floor & Suitability Framework, as well as its “trusted partners” like GDI and NewsGuard, to attempt to bankrupt conservative media companies like The Daily Wire calls for reflection, and ultimately, meaningful reforms to reorient the advertising industry around performance, not ideology.

We at The Daily Wire believe that advertisers absolutely have the right to choose where they want to advertise.  But we reject ideologically-driven structures which deprive companies like ours of the opportunity to compete for ad spend. 

Additionally, we do not have a principled objection to brand suitability rating systems that focus on objectively criminal, abusive, and dangerous content. We do, however, believe that the subjective enforcement of inherently biased brand safety standards like “hate speech,” “misinformation,” and “debated sensitive social issues” threatens the free exchange of ideas which is foundational to healthy democracy and should come to an end. 

As the post-GARM era begins, we seek to engage with advertisers, agencies, platforms, and other shareholders in the advertising industry with a goal of recommitting to objective performance-based metrics. The future of the advertising industry will be what we make it, so let’s engage in this discussion now. 

We look forward to speaking with you soon.

With Kind Regards,

The Daily Wire