‘People With Female Sex Organs’: Major Feminine Product Maker’s Latest Attack On Girls And Women

What is a woman? It looks like the tampon maker Always doesn’t even want to use that word anymore, let alone answer that question.

On Friday, the Daily Mail reported that one of the world’s top suppliers of menstrual and other sanitary products released its annual pamphlet used to help young girls learn about their changing bodies. Except this year, the pamphlet didn’t mention women or girls even once. Instead, they were labeled “people with female sex organs.”

Why? Well, under leftist lunacy, women can become men. Which means that teenage girls can become teenage boys. Ergo, using the word “woman” or “girl” is a no-no. What makes this all especially creepy is that this pamphlet, titled, “Puberty and Confidence Guide for Everyone” is meant for middle schoolers and high schoolers. In other words,  Always, which is owned by Procter & Gamble, is endorsing and supporting teenagers undergoing sex rejection and gender-denial procedures and abuse.

Per the Daily Mail, multiple teachers were mortified when they opened the pamphlets that they were supposed to provide to their pupils.

One educator said that the literature was obviously confusing.

“I think girls will struggle to understand how this relates to their own body and their own experience,” the teacher told the outlet.

For example, in one section it says, “Every month, bodies with female sex organs prepare for pregnancy.”

“‘Bodies with female sex organs’ may not be immediately identifiable as a girl according to a child’s understanding, particularly if English isn’t their first language or a child has additional learning needs,” the teacher added.


Another anonymous teacher also said, “Sadly, this is yet another example of companies attempting to erase women and disregarding their needs in a rush to appease trans activists.”

In Always’ case, the company quite literally erased the word “woman” from their packaging in 2019.

Perhaps it is time that Always, and its parent company Procter & Gamble, get the Bud Light treatment.

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

Boston’s Reparations Task Force Coordinator Fired After Burning Sage, Harassing Custodians, Sleeping In City Hall, And Getting Arrested: Report

Many individuals believe that burning sage can provide you with certain benefits such as a better night’s rest and warding off spirits. Whether that’s true or not, it probably isn’t wise to try that sleeping aid strategy in Boston City Hall late at night without permission.

Yet that’s exactly what Boston police allege 35-year-old George Williams, Boston’s Reparations Task Force project coordinator, has been doing. Authorities say that Williams overstayed his welcome at The Hub’s city hall for the past three weeks while showing arguably erratic behavior. On Thursday night, Williams was arrested for allegedly trespassing in an upstairs office at 9:40 p.m. Eastern.

According to a police report, city employees say that throughout May, they have had difficulties “with him trespassing in the building after hours, and at times becoming aggressive and threatening other staff members inside of City Hall.”

Williams, who has been arrested for multiple drug offenses in the past, according to Massachusetts-based outlet TB Daily News, was allegedly found non-verbal in an off-limits room while sage burned Thursday evening. How did he get there? Well, he allegedly chased off a custodian to gain access to the room.

He was originally asked to leave by police, but became hostile, according to Fox 25. Williams is accused of lunging at an officer before picking up a dustpan and broom to clean up his mess. When authorities requested him to leave again, he allegedly swept debris in their direction.

If it sounds bizarre, readers should know that police suspected he was on drugs. Officials finally de-escalated the situation and were able to haul him away, but not before he tried to attack a second member of Boston police, Fox 25 reported.

As readers can tell, only the best and the brightest get hired by Boston’s woke Mayor Michelle Wu. Williams was picked by Wu to serve as part of her Reparations Task Force in 2022.


That task force is supposed to be “working with a research partner to release a study on the legacy of slavery in Boston and its impact on descendants today.” Per the website, the Task Force is still looking for a research partner.

Slavery became illegal in Boston and throughout the Bay State in 1783.

Nonetheless, the task force will also be engaging “the community throughout the process to include input from lived experience” and then provide recommendations “for reparative justice solutions for Black residents.”

Williams — however excited he once was to be a project coordinator with the group — is no longer a part of it. In a statement given to Fox 25, the city said, “George Williams was a part-time contractor. His contract has been terminated. We remain committed to the work of the Reparations Task Force and that work will continue.”

Now, here’s the real kicker. Would it surprise you that the possibly homeless half-dazed amateur horticulturist of sorts is a former college professor?

Yep, he once worked at the University of Colorado in the Sociology department, his now deleted biography page on Boston.gov stated.

If I were a betting man, and I am, then I would wager that Williams and any potential allies he has will blame his run-in with the law on systemic racism stemming from slavery. That sort of tactic works across America wherever so-called reparative, restorative, and racial justice is pursued. And just like Williams’ previous arrests, it always ends with a slap on the wrist.

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.